WhatsApp: discover 4 new features that promise to improve your experience on the app 1

WhatsApp: discover 4 new features that promise to improve your experience on the app

The new functions of the Whatsapp stand out among the application’s recent updates, which increase competitiveness with Telegram and now offer features similar to those of the rival social network.

Every week, the application releases new updates and bug fixes on the platform. To access the changes, you need to download the latest versions of the application.

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Below, see which new features promise to further increase user privacy and integration with other people:

1. Silence calls from unknown numbers

When a person activates the “Airplane Mode” function, they stop receiving calls and messages from everyone.

Until now, WhatsApp has not been able to silence calls, including from unknown numbers. However, the new update to the app promises to bring more privacy to people and control who can call you.

Available since June, you can activate this function by clicking on “Settings” > “Privacy” > “Calls”, and activate the option “Silence calls from unknown numbers”.

WhatsApp: discover 4 new features that promise to improve your experience on the app 4

Photo: TechTudo/Reproduction

2. Channels

In Telegram, there is the option to create channels communication to send different messages, with the possibility of interaction between people. Now, WhatsApp will bring this same function to its application.

However, it is worth noting that communication channels should not be confused with the Communities function, which can place several groups within the same community, but there is a limited number of people.

WhatsApp: discover 4 new features that promise to improve your experience on the app 5WhatsApp: discover 4 new features that promise to improve your experience on the app 6

Photo: Poder360/Reproduction

3. Edit messages

Who has never sent a message with something wrong and then had to delete it and resend it? Now, all you need to do is edit the message to correct the information.

The new feature has been available since June, but many users still don’t know that they can already use it. To do so, simply press the message and click on “Edit”.

WhatsApp: discover 4 new features that promise to improve your experience on the app 7WhatsApp: discover 4 new features that promise to improve your experience on the app 8

Photo: G1/Reproduction

4. Privacy Check

The latest WhatsApp updates focus on privacy of users, such as the function of hiding online, leaving groups without notification, among others.

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So, just click on “Privacy Check” to see what privacy settings are present in your application, such as who can see your personal information and who can contact you.

WhatsApp: discover 4 new features that promise to improve your experience on the app 9WhatsApp: discover 4 new features that promise to improve your experience on the app 10

Photo: NE10/UOL/Reproduction