Stephen Hawking's MACABRA AI prediction comes true 1

Stephen Hawking’s MACABRA AI prediction comes true

The arrival of ChatGPT-4 has raised concerns about the fate of several professions in the face of the advancement of artificial intelligence.

This concern is not new, as Stephen Hawkingin his posthumous book ‘Short Answers to the Big Questions’, released a grim prediction about the negative impact of AI on society.

Stephen Hawking was a renowned British theoretical physicist, cosmologist and author, born in 1942 and died in 2018.

He is especially known for his contributions to the understanding of black holes, spacetime theory, and quantum cosmology.

Despite facing a neurodegenerative disease known as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) since the age of 21, Hawking continued his research and became an iconic figure in the world. science.

His most famous work, ‘A Brief History of Time’, popularized complex physics concepts to the general public, making him a recognized figure outside academic circles.

Stephen Hawking’s AI prediction comes true

Stephen Hawking's MACABRA AI prediction comes true 4

Image: shutterstock/Koca Vehbi

Although the renowned physicist did not witness the rapid growth of this technology, his words resonate with current events in a frighteningly accurate way.

Hawking warned of the possibility of millions of people losing their jobs due to advances in artificial intelligence, highlighting the social consequences of this phenomenon.

His pessimistic vision was not limited to a jobs crisis, but extended to the potential of artificial intelligence representing an existential threat to humanity.

In his prophetic words, Hawking suggested that AI could be harnessed for the destruction of the human race.

Although this prospect is alarming, Hawking had a reputation for making predictions that came true over time.

He highlighted that the creation of an Artificial General Intelligence could surpass the capacity of human intelligence, triggering unpredictable consequences.

The current reality, with the ChatGPT-4 at the forefront of artificial intelligence, puts Hawking’s warnings on the agenda.

Mass layoffs and the transformation of professional sectors lead us to reflect on how “very advanced” intelligence can shape our future.

Hawking’s prophecies, once considered visionary, now echo as an urgent warning about the challenges and dangers inherent in the unbridled advancement of artificial intelligence.

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