In the search for new flavors and ways to adapt nature according to human will, Science has already produced several genetically modified foods, through laboratory experiments and the use of the adaptation of living beings to its advantage.
And this is not new. There are certain vegetables that have been manipulated for human consumption for thousands of years, such as corn.
It is clear that, with technological advances, different and modern methods are used to modify genes, which is why the production of foods in which there is a selection of characteristics is becoming increasingly faster.
It is now possible to see seedless watermelons and grapes, square watermelons and fruits that take much longer to spoil, for example, all in favor of humanity’s preferences.
If you’re curious to know what else is being developed out there, check out this list of genetically modified foods that are available on the market.
14 Most Bizarre Modified Foods That Exist
1. Gluten-free wheat
Yes, that’s right, a type of wheat that is gluten-free is being developed in Spain, using CRISPR, a specific genetic modification method. The goal is to allow people with celiac disease, or gluten intolerants, to consume the product.
2. Fast growing salmon
AquaBounty Technologies has developed a salmon that grows twice as fast as normal. The species has been on sale since 2021.
3. Onions without tears
This is definitely a food that should be in everyone’s home. How many times have you cried while cutting onions? Well, with Sunions, that won’t be a problem anymore. The modified onion is sold in the UK and is said to have a sweet taste.
4. Apples are red inside and out
These apples were not created in laboratories, but by a Swiss who spent about twenty years crossing species and creating new plants, Markus Kobel. The breeder even managed to create new varieties, such as one called Redlove Era, which has a flavor similar to that of a blackberry.
5. Seedless tomatoes
This food can be produced using CRISPR, but it is not yet possible to reproduce it on a large scale, since the reproduction of these fruits is done precisely through their seeds.
6. Cabbage with scorpion venom
It may seem a bit dangerous, but the amount of poison this cabbage produces is harmless to humans. In fact, genes found in scorpion tails were inserted so that cabbages could produce their own pesticide, protecting themselves from pests that can attack crops.
7. Human milk in cows
It may seem like a lie, but ongoing studies are being carried out in China, where human genes are placed in cow embryos, making them capable of producing milk that has the same qualities as human milk.
8. Cancer-Fighting Tomatoes
This is perhaps the most beneficial innovation for humanity of all that we have mentioned. Purple tomatoes are part of a British study that has already tested the food on mice prone to cancer.
Surprisingly, those who ate the fruit remained alive longer. This is because the vegetable has properties that slow down carcinoma.
9. Bananas with vaccines
It is now possible to introduce small amounts of modified viruses into bananas, so that consumers can eat them and produce antibodies as a kind of vaccine.
Fruits only produce beneficial proteins from the virus. This is a great option for those who are afraid of needles.
10. Bt corn with pesticide
This is another food capable of producing its own pesticide. You can consume and use bt corn in the same way as regular corn. In addition, it has already been approved by the Food and Drugs Administration (FDA), which monitors genetically modified foods.
11. Longest-lasting mushrooms
Without using gene additions, a Penn State University researcher has produced a mushroom that doesn’t turn brown. He achieved this by removing certain strands of DNA, extending the life of the fungi and preventing them from being thrown away, since aesthetics are often valued when buying, even for products that are still healthy.
12. Flavr Savr Tomato
These were the first gene-edited products to be approved for sale and human consumption by the FDA, in 1994.
They were taken off the market in 1997, due to numerous complaints about their taste and delicacy during transport, but their main function was to extend the life of normal tomatoes, maintaining their bright color and standard texture.
13. Chickens that produce medicinal eggs
Researchers have added human genes to the DNA of a breed of bird so that their eggs contain complex-chain medicinal proteins.
The study was conducted by British scientists, who managed to create an egg with properties similar to those of drugs that combat multiple sclerosis, arthritis and even skin cancer.
14. Square watermelons
These were created simply to diversify the appearance of the fruit. To do this, they use square molds around the still young fruit, so that it ripens and adapts to the container.