Nintendo and Niantic’s new Pokémon GO the video game does its best to get you off the couch. The game uses GPS technology to take you into the real world, talk to other people, and have fun exploring places you’ve never been before. Almost everyone will play Pokémon GO This way. Pokémon GO For those who don’t want incense.
They act as a kind of back button for the main mechanics of the game. Normally, Pokémon GO It uses the GPS and compass inside your smartphone to help you locate and catch creatures in your neighborhood. The mechanic works well, so well that millions of people have downloaded the game. Pokémon GO Incense work by acting as a charm. Use one and surface near you instead of going to their habitat to find the creatures.
How to Use Pokémon GO Incense
Pokémon Go Incense sit in your inventory until needed. The addon surrounds your in-game character for thirty minutes, periodically drawing random Pokémon so you can catch them and add them to your collection. The item will attract common creatures of all types, but users may even see some rare creatures surface.
Important thing to remember Pokémon GO Incense is how timers go on when you’re not in the game. This means that if you’re really trying to get the most out of them, it’s a good idea to have nothing to do but respond to notifications about new creatures you can collect. While similar to Lure Modules, Incense is not required to be used in PokeStop. You can use them anywhere. Other Trainers near you will notice a higher percentage of creatures appearing, but some say they won’t attract the rare types of Pokémon that the one using Incense will.
You will know it when you use an Incense. A pink cloud will surround your character and there is a countdown timer on the right edge of your smartphone screen.
Where to Buy Pokémon GO Incense
Unlike other items, players Pokémon GO Incense fairly regularly to level up your characters. In addition to coming as rewards for character development, they can be purchased directly with Pokémon GO Coins in the game’s Store.
A single Incense costs 80 PokeCoins and 8 of them costs 500 PokeCoins. The maximum of 25 Incense you can buy directly with a single purchase will cost 1250 PokeCoins. PokeCoins are in-game currency that players can purchase for real money through the iTunes Store and Android app store. Nintendo and Niantic hope most players will buy PokeCoins, but these can also be earned through the game’s Gym battle system.
good luck playing Pokémon GO.