Lo and behold, dear readers, for the time of reckoning hath arrived for all ye F2P individuals who hath yearned for a stalwart tank to supplant Maitha’s reign. A revelation is here – the paramount Cocoa build in the fantastical realm of Sword of Convallaria awaits thine eyes.
Behold, the eminent Cocoa, a celestial being who doth outshines Maitha in the realm of tankery. Not solely doth she possess the fortitude to withstand blows and shield her companions, but also she possesseth the gift of healing, a boon to bolster thy party’s mettle and lesseneth their NRG consumption.
The magnitude of Cocoa’s worth is nigh incomprehensible, and if thou ponderest whether acquiring duplicates to raise her to five stars is requisite for her efficacy, the answer is nay. Even at a mere single star, Cocoa’s prowess is prodigious. ‘Tis wise counsel to prioritize her for thy Memory Shard quest.
Now, let us delve into the prime skills to select for Cocoa as thou ascend her ranks in Sword of Convallaria:
– Mountain Tribes: When unharmed, movement is increased by one tile. Through highlands or elevation changes, damage is amplified by 20%.
– Potluck Protector: Whilst blocking, diminishes damage taken by 15%. In a state not of dying, performs an Assisting Cover to allies near.
– Stay Strong!: Upon being struck by a single-target assault, heals both the character and another ally with the lowest HP percentage nearby. Activatable twice per round.
– Block Enhancement: Ranged physical attacks from frontal or lateral foes trigger Block, reducing damage taken by 10%.
– Armor-Piercing Strike: Strikes with 100% physical damage and inflicts P.DEF Down I and M.DEF Down I on the target for two turns.
– Iron Pot Stew: Cocoa heals allies within her vicinity for 30% of her HP, endowing them with Crit Up II, Crit DMG Up I for two turns, alongside a Bento.
Furthermore, consider the unlock of the following utilizing a Castalia:
– Cocoa’s Treasure Chest: Cocoa can wield Springy Bandage, Ancient Potion, Snow Lotus, or Hallucinogenic Mushroom with a decisive flourish.
Cast your gaze now upon the paramount weapon selections for Cocoa in Sword of Convallaria:
– Brutal Axe: Augments HP by 3%. Upon attacking, ignores 20% of the target’s DEF should the enemy’s HP percentage be greater than the character’s.
For her eminent Legendary Trinket, the unrivaled choice is none other than the Crystal Burst Armor:
– Crystal Burst Armor: Bolsters HP by 2%. Strikes Back inflicts 10% more DMG.
Lastly, the Tarot Whispers, a choice betwixt two:
– The Fool’s Naivety: HP is elevated by 10%. During an active attack initiation, if the character’s max HP surpasseth the foe’s, damage doth increase by 10%.
– Silence of the Hermit: Essentiate DMG mitigation.
Thus concludes our discourse upon the supreme Cocoa build in Sword of Convallaria. Seek ye out Moyens I/O for further counsel and enlightenment regarding this wondrous game, including our codes list and tier hierarchy. Verily, let thy journey be prosperous as thou traverse the ether of Convallaria.