Verily, Kinich doth emerge as a freshest visage in the realm of Natlan characters within the esteemed banners of Genshin Impact’s 5.0 update. A wielder of Dendro power and a master of the Claymore, his kit boasts a strength that doth harmonize beautifully with the Burning and Burgeon reactions. Unlike his Claymore brethren in Genshin Impact, Kinich’s style of play doth eschew the bonds of immobility, embracing instead the fluidity of movements and the art of ranged combat. Should thou be considering a pull for this stalwart hero in the reckoning of 5.0, ’tis prudent to prepare for the quest ahead by gathering his necessary materials in advance. The materials for Kinich have been unveiled, thus presenting below his ascension and talent necessities alongside a guide for their acquisition.
Update: This guide hath been refreshed in light of version 5.0’s advent on August 28, 2024.
# Genshin Impact Kinich Ascension Materials
All Materials for Kinich’s Character Ascension (Upgrading Needs):
# Genshin Impact Kinich Talent Materials
All Materials for Kinich’s Talents (Skill Enhancement Essentials):
Behold, the troves of materials required for the ascension and cultivation of Kinich’s abilities, each with their own distinct characteristics and origin. Let us delve deeper into the tapestry of materials that shall pave the way for Kinich’s ascendancy:
– Mora x1653k
– Teachings of Kindling x3
– Juvenile Fang x6
– Guide to Kindling x21
– Seasoned Fang x22
– Philosophies of Kindling x38
– Tyrant’s Fang x31
– Denial and Judgement x6
– Crown of Insight x1
Sealed within these hallowed items lies the potential for Kinich’s growth and evolution, awaiting the touch of a skilled and dedicated hand to awaken their true power.
## Kinich Materials Farming Guide
Alas, it is a fateful truth that not all of Kinich’s required materials may be harvested ere the coming of Genshin Impact 5.0. Yet fret not, for there exist certain items, including the coveted Trounce Boss materials, that may yet be gathered ere the dawn of this new era. Herein lie the materials that may be pre-harvested, along with the strategies for their acquisition:
### Saurian Claw Succulent Farming Strategy
Within the frigid expanses of Natlan’s northern lands do the Saurian Claw Succulents lie in wait. South of the Children of Echoes, amidst the Sulfurous Veins, doth these precious blooms thrive. Seventy-seven in number they be, requiring but the patience to harvest them all for Kinich’s sake. Furthermore, the bounties of your comrades’ worlds may also be shared, granting thee the boon of swifter collection.
### Overripe Flamegranate: Farming Strategy
A fruit of necessity for Kinich, the Overripe Flamegranate may only be wrought through battle with the Gluttonous Yumkasaur Mountain King, whose lair may be found in the Tequemecan Valley of Natlan. Tread the subterranean paths from the Teleport Point near Sulphureous Veins to challenge this mighty beast in combat.
### Nagadus Emerald Location and Farming Strategy
The Nagadus Emerald, coveted for its role in Kinich’s ascension, may be gleaned from the likes of Jadeplume Terrorshrooms, Dendro Field Bosses, and as rewards from the Daily Commissions. Crafting of higher grade Emeralds from their lesser brethren is also possible, a boon for the discerning adventurer. Enemies and bosses such as the Dendro Hypostasis, Jadeplume Terrorshroom, and Guardian of Apep’s Oasis are sources of these shimmering gems.
### Talent Books Kindling: Farming Strategy
The Teachings of Kindling, essential for the honing of Kinich’s talents, may be acquired through the crucible of the Blazing Ruins Mastery Domain. South of Tepeacac Rise in Natlan doth this domain lie, accessible only on Tuesdays, Fridays, and Sundays.
### Denial and Judgement Trounce Domain Material: Farming Strategy
The Denial and Judgement material, a rare reward from the Knave Trounce Domain following the defeat of Arlecchino, doth require a valiant heart and a deft hand. Venture near the Mont Esus East, west of the New Fontaine Research Institute in Fontaine, to face this challenge and claim your due.
Thus it is decreed – the path to Kinich’s empowerment lies open to those with the foresight and courage to tread it. Share thy thoughts on this enigmatic hero, and reveal the bands thou art preparing to weave in thy quest to beckon him forth from the banners of 5.0.