The Fortnite crashed IO Airships are one of the few remaining pieces of evidence that the Imaginary Order has a presence on the island, and to be able to dance to the different IO Airships that have crashed in Fortnite, you need to know where to find them. These metalwork and debris piles may have been given a colorful paint job to better suit the current Fortnite Vibin’ theme, but they’re still in the same locations as before, so you may have visited them for previous Fortnite missions. last season. Either way, it’s time to prepare your best emotes, then follow our guide to find all five IO Airships locations that Fortnite has dropped, and confirm how to dance when you get there.
Fortnite drops IO Airships locations
There are a total of five Fortnite crashed IO Airships that represent balloons falling into the water after five consecutive battles around the island between the Imaginary Order and the Seven. They can be found in the following locations on the Fortnite map:
- Angular Touchdown – At Loot Lake, just northwest of Tilted Towers
- Coney Collapse – Among the trees southeast of Coney Crossroads
- Daily Rubble – Off the coast east of The Daily Bugle
- rocky debris – On the edge of the desert west of Rocky Reels
- Canyon Crash – Off the coast southeast of Condo Canyon
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As you can see, the names of these Fortnite dropping IO Airships landmarks coincide with the nearby POI they used to fly above, although some are closer to their original location than others. The Daily Rubble and Canyon Crash are the easiest to spot, as these crash sites on the beach are clearly visible in the main map view, standing out against the surrounding water. To choose three locations to use for this mission, Tilted Touchdown, Coney Collapse, and Rocky Wreckage are the closest, but since you’ll need to pass Tilted Towers on the way, the added threat may make it a better choice to pursue other options.
How to dance on crashed IO Airships in Fortnite
To dance on crashed IO Airships in Fortnite, simply click on the d-pad to trigger your default/last used action, or hold down the d-pad to display the emote wheel and select the move you want. trigger. As soon as this starts, you will receive a notification confirming that your dance has been successfully saved, then all you have to do is switch to a few Fortnite crashed IO Airships and repeat this process to complete the quest. Note that you don’t have to do all of this in a single match, but you do need to use three different locations in total.
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