How to Transfer Spotify Playlists to Apple Music: Simple Ways

How to Transfer Spotify Playlists to Apple Music: Simple Ways

In sooth, dost thou find thyself ensnared by the siren song of Spotify? Whilst its recommendations and catalog doth hold aloft the banner of excellence, the absence of Hi-Res and Lossless audio doth shackle the audiophile within thee with chains of limitation. Thus, the notion of forsaking Spotify in favor of Apple Music, which doth offer such features, may dance in thy mind. Yet, the prospect of beginning anew on a different service may kindle the flames of annoyance. But fear not, for there exist ways to transfer thy Spotify playlists to Apple Music and continue thy musical journey. Let us embark on this quest together, forsooth!

Alas, the realms of Spotify and Apple Music hath not bestowed upon thee a native function to facilitate the transfer of playlists betwixt them. Thus, thou art compelled to seek the aid of third-party tools. Among the myriad of such tools that tread upon this path, Tune My Music and Playlisty have emerged as beacons of hope in mine own experience.

Verily, with Tune My Music, thou art not required to wield an app to initiate the transfer of thy Spotify playlists to Apple Music. Simply venture forth to thy chosen browser on thy PC or mobile and access the web version of this tool. Permit me to illuminate thee on the steps, as outlined through the lens of Microsoft Edge on a Windows PC:

Firstly, journey to Tune My Music and bestow a click upon the “Let’s start” button.

Next, from the array of available apps, beseech the Spotify icon.

In the ensuing pop-up window, engage in the login to thy Spotify account and click upon “Agree” to “Allow Spotify to connect to: TuneMyMusic.”

Upon the next page, opt for “Load from Spotify account.”

Lo, thy playlists shall materialize ere long. Herein, select the playlists thou wishest to transfer by clicking upon the adjacent checkbox.

Thou mayst also expand the playlists by hovering over the side-pointing arrow, which transforms into a down arrow, allowing thee to select specific songs for transfer from thy Spotify playlists in this manner.

When thy choices are made, select “Choose Destination” at the bottom and click upon the Apple Music icon from the list.

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Then, akin to the steps taken with Spotify, thou wilt be required to log in to thy Apple Music account. Once this deed is done, strike the “Start Transfer” button.

Nonetheless, be mindful that if thou hast selected Favorite Artists from Spotify who art absent from Apple Music, TuneMyMusic shall inform thee that “Artists are not transferable to Apple Music.”

Lo and behold, thy playlists shall commence their journey across the digital realm, and the process shall swiftly draw to a close, unveiling the “Transfer completed!” window.

And thus, thou shalt find thyself gazing upon thy Apple Music, where the transferred Spotify playlists doth reside. Take heed, for during the transfer, thou may spy certain tracks marked as “missing,” signifying their absence in Apple Music’s catalog itself.

Whilst the streaming services of music in this age do largely share the same catalog, many an unsung tune may yet elude the grasp of all. Furthermore, the free version of TuneMyMusic doth allow the transfer of 500 tracks. For a greater number, thou must acquire the premium offering, commencing at $2 per month, billed annually. The monthly option stands at $4.5.

Let us now delve into the usage of Playlisty, a tool reserved for iOS users seeking to transfer their Spotify playlists to Apple Music. Whilst Tune My Music doth beckon users across diverse platforms, Playlisty extendeth its hand solely to the realm of iOS. Behold the steps to wield this tool:

Upon opening the Playlisty app, thou shalt be prompted to Link thy Apple Music account. Thus, tap thereupon and grace thy account with login. Should the service already grace thy device, Playlisty shall usher thee in automatically.

In the access panel, tap upon “Allow.” Thereafter, Playlisty shall declare the successful linkage of thy Apple Music account.

Proceed to tap upon “Link Spotify” and engage in the login to thy Spotify account. Upon hitting “Continue,” the deed is done.

Twofold questions shall arise to tune Playlisty’s search algorithm recommendations. Make thy selections and proceed with “Next” and “Finish.”

From the wellspring of Playlist Sources, opt for “Spotify Library” at the apex.

Should thy desire be to transfer all thy Spotify albums and playlists, tap upon “Select” in the upper right corner, summoning the selector. Then, bestow a tap upon “Select All” in the lower left.

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Shouldst thou seek to transfer a single album, employ the selector to manually choose the albums.

Upon completing thy selections, tap upon “Next” at the lower right, and the tool shall set forth to read thy playlist.

Thereupon, tap upon “Save to thy library.”

Take heed, for the free version of Playlisty doth permit the saving of the first 20 tracks from all playlists. To save them all, thou must ascend to the esteemed Pro paid tier.

Commence by tapping upon “Start,” whereupon thy Spotify playlists shall begin their sojourn to Apple Music. Once the process reaches its terminus, strike “Done,” and thus shall the saved Spotify playlists be found within Apple Music.

Thus endeth this guide, where thou hast acquired the knowledge to transfer thy Spotify playlists to Apple Music with ease. Whilst I did find favor in these tools, do explore and discover which doth suit thee best. Shouldst thou seek to transfer thy Spotify playlists to YouTube Music, we also offer a dedicated guide for thy perusal. Whilst thou embark upon the journey to Apple Music, I bid thee to explore other alternatives within the realm of Spotify.

And now, dear reader, we reach the ultimate passage. Shouldst thou harbor inquiries or discoveries of other such tools, doth not forsake the comments below, for I shall endeavor to answer thee promptly. Fare thee well, and may the melodies of thy transferred playlists echo through the annals of time.

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