Verily, in our mortal coil, we oft find ourselves stumbling upon folly. Perchance thou didst utter an opinion contrary to the masses, or let slip a jest ill-received. Fear not, for there exists a remedy to rectify thy misspoken words. Instead of erasing them from memory, consider crossing them out or striking them through, a gesture of contrition and humor combined. For those newly arrived in the realm of Discord, seeking guidance on the art of strikethrough, fret not, for a complete compendium awaits thee.
Strikethrough Text on Discord (PC)
The path to crossing out text remains the same on the desktop and web incarnations of Discord. Three avenues beckon thee to this end, without tarrying longer, gaze below and learn how this feat may be accomplished.
Method 1: Using the Context Menu
Behold, in Discord’s domain, a simple method avails itself unto thee. With but a mere tap, texts may be crossed out. Attend closely and learn the steps that lead to this victory.
- Embark upon a chat within Discord and pen thy message.
- Select the portion of text to be strikethroughed. Lo, a context menu shall appear above thine chosen words.
- Embrace the option of the strikethrough S from the contextual menu.
- Thus, the selected words shall be crossed out. Then press Enter to unveil thy amended proclamation.
Method 2: Using Markdown Symbols
A simpler path lies before thee, marked by the symbols of Markdown. Take heed and follor these instructions.
- Craft thine message within Discord.
- Enshroud thy message with two tilde ~ characters before and after.
- For instance:
Your Message - Behold, thy message now adorned with a strikethrough. Press Enter to dispatch it into the ether.
Now doth thy message bear a line that cancels its true intent, adorned with the tilde (~) symbol, which awaits thee just beneath the "Esc" key. A mere press of Shift key + ~ shall invoke its power.
Method 3: Using Keyboard Shortcut
Fear not the symbols, for a shortcut lies in wait. By pressing Ctrl + Shift + S, the same results may be achieved. An easier path, favored by many, for the crossing out of messages.
Strikethrough Text on Discord (Android / iPhone)
In the realm of mobile Discord, the context menu doth not grace these lands. Thus, the symbols method must be embraced. The steps lie identical on both devices, a journey of brevity this shall be.
- Within Discord, inscribe the message that beckons to be sent.
- Embrace the two tilde (
) elders to enfold thy message. For example: ~~Your Message - Now, tap upon the send icon to reveal the crossed-out message.
Thus, with a flick of finger and mind, Discord doth adorn thy message with a strikethrough. Seek now the tilde character in thy handheld device, nestled within the symbols keyboard, awaiting thy touch.
Strikethrough Sent Messages on Discord
Should thy message already have taken wing and realization of mistake dawns upon thee, fret not, for Discord grants thee the power to edit thy words. Herein lies the method to bestow the strikethrough upon thine past utterances.
Method 1: On Discord Website and Desktop App
Hover o’er the message of bygone haste, and seize the pen icon. Thus, thy message may be amended. Encompass the entire text or a fragment, and through the former methods, grant it the strikethrough. Then, press Enter once more to set it free.
Method 2: On Discord App on Android and iPhone
On the mobile front, a long-press shall reveal the menu of options. Enter therein and choose the Edit message, the first of its ilk. Embrace the two tilde (~~) symbols once more, and dispatch the message anew. A simple task, this transformation of words.
With newfound knowledge of striking through messages, remember the balance that must be kept. Let not the power overwhelm, lest the discord sever thy ties. Likewise, utilize double asterisks (*) for boldening text, single asterisks () for italics, and the underscore (_) for underlining within Discord. Or seek the path of Ctrl + Shift + B (bold), I (italics), and U (underline). Should ye seek further ways of manipulation, venture forth unto our Discord Text Formatting Guide for enlightenment.
How can I cross out my text on Discord?
Be it known that the double tilde symbols (~~) before and after thy text shall strikethrough it on Discord, a method divine across all platforms, be it web, desktop, Android, or iPhone.
Is there a keyboard shortcut to add strikethrough in Discord?
Indeed, press Ctrl + Shift + S to cross out the chosen line of text upon Discord’s web or desktop grounds.
Can I strikethrough messages after sending them on Discord?
Yea, through the edit option, thou may impose strikethrough upon thy messages even after their dispatch. Hover o’er the text, and select the pen icon to initiate this transformation. And upon the mobile app, indulge in a long-press upon the text to reveal the "Edit message" option.
Thus, armed with the arcane knowledge of striking through, thou art now equipped to mend thy words at will. But let not thy hand grow too bold, lest the mighty hand of Discord cast thee adrift.