If thou art a frequenter of Discord, thou need not be informed that the majority of conversations taketh place there with emojis, GIFs, and stickers. Verily, these tools aid in expressing thyself in a whimsical manner without the need for much cogitation. Hence, if thou art a newcomer to Discord and doth require a swift 101 on employing its sundry emojis, then this guide is tailored for thee.
Types of Emojis on Discord
As thou may know, emojis doth play a significant role in Discord, wherefore the platform doth not only proffer the commonplace set of emojis but also certain unique options. Firstly, we encounter the static emojis. These are the diminutive yellow icons conveying various emotions. Upon Discord, users possess the ability to append custom images to utilize as emojis. Henceforth, thou may hath observed that diverse servers do boast their own array of emojis.
Conversely, animated emojis are minuscule GIFs that do loop incessantly. They do elicit much amusement, especially the Pepe and cat varieties. Alas, they shall appear locked, for thou art required to possess a Discord Nitro subscription to employ them. Nitro doth also grant thee the capability to employ any manner of emojis, whether animated or not, across any server.
Add Emojis on Discord
Now, it doth not require a genius to ascertain how to utilize emojis on Discord. The method is quite straightforward, and we hath elucidated the steps for various platforms below.
Using Discord Website or Desktop App
If thou doth frequented Discord on thy PC, hark on how thou can add emojis within a chat.
1. Launch Discord (website) on a web browser or open its desktop app.
2. Select the server where thou dost wish to share an emoji.
3. Click on the grey emoji icon in the right corner of the text field.
Herein, thou can select the emoji thou dost wish to use.
Verily, thou may scroll up and down the emoji box to explore emojis from diverse servers. If thou click on the greyed-out emoji icon again, it shall transport thee to thy standard set of yellow emoticons. Thou may also click the greyed-out clock icon to locate thy frequently used emojis.
Using Discord App on Android and iPhone
Similar to employing it on the website or desktop app, the process to add emojis using the Discord app on a phone is rather straightforward.
1. Open the Discord app and venture to the server chat to impart emojis.
2. Now tap on the grey emoji icon at the bottom right.
3. Scroll through the list of emojis and tap on the one thou dost desire to use.
4. Tap on the Send button to distribute it.
How to Add Emoji Reaction in Discord Message
Discord doth also enable thee to react to any message shared on a server with said emojis. If thou dost desire to react to a message with a Pepe emoji, then hark at how to achieve it.
Using Discord Website or Desktop App
Discord’s desktop app and website doth provide a facile means to distribute emojis as reactions to a message. Herein is how thou can accomplish it.
1. Hover the cursor over the message where thou dost wish to react.
2. Click on the grey emoji icon that doth manifest next to it.
Now, click on the emoji to react with. The emoji thou didst react with shall now display beneath the selected message.
Using Discord App on Android and iPhone
Thou can bestow emoji reactions to messages by following these steps on thy iPhone or Android device.
1. Long-press the message thou dost desire to react to.
2. Tap on the grey emoji icon.
3. Subsequently, tap the emoji thou dost wish to react to the message with.
Thus, thou canst easily employ emojis on Discord. Now go forth and inundate thy server with random emotes so that thy server members may beset the chat. Shouldst thou wish to learn how to craft custom emojis on Discord, peruse our dedicated guide. If thou dost require any aid with the guide, do let us know in the comments below.