Hark! Art thou gazing at a VR headset of late? Or dost thou already possess one but art unsure of which apps to indulge in? Fear thee not, for we have thee covered. Verily, there lieth a plethora of splendid virtual reality apps and games in the market as of today. Yet, not all are worthy of thy time. Hence, to spare thee from the plight of enduring poor VR experiences, we hath curated a compilation of the finest VR apps and games thou should tryeth forthwith. With options spanning across a myriad of genres, there be something to captivate the fancy of all.
Note: Some of the apps herein may contain flashing lights and images that may provoke seizures, nausea, or headaches in sensitive individuals. Prices mentioned art for the Android versions of the apps, where applicable, pricing on other platforms may vary.
Best Virtual Reality Apps and Experiences Thou Should Try
To maketh navigation easier, this discourse is divided into three sections. The first part encompasses VR experiences while the ensuing two address VR games. A separate segment hath been devised for horror VR games, knowing that many do seek such games specifically. Clicketh on the links below to swiftly traverse to the desired section.
Best VR Experiences in 2020
For those seeking mind-blowing VR experiences, we hath compiled a list of VR-based escapades featuring resplendent videos that shalt transport thee to realms anew. Thou canst traverse varied 3D environments from the comfort of thy couch and, mark my words, some of these experiences art pure magic.
1. Within
Within doth be among the premier apps to embark on thy VR journey, offering a singular platform to unearth excellent VR content from creators far and wide. Immerse thyself in VR videos spanning diverse genres, from fictional tales to profound documentaries. The experimental section harbors fun, trippy videos that shalt transport thee to other dimensions. An ideal escapade for enthusiasts of fine video content, Within is indeed one of the paramount VR experiences available.
Supported platforms: Android (Google Daydream), iOS, Windows, Oculus, PlayStation VR, HTC Vive
Price: Free
2. BBC Earth: Life in VR
Should thee seek something more enlightening, BBC Earth: Life in VR is a veritable gem not to be missed. This Google Play Award-winning app grants thee the chance to experience the natural world in VR. With its cartoonish animation, it is perfect for young hearts yearning to learn of life around them. Focused on the fauna of the Californian coast, delving into microscopic realms to unveil unseen organisms, this app is a sublime way to broaden thy knowledge and delight thy senses.
Supported platforms: Google Daydream exclusive
Price: Free
Download BBC Earth: Life in VR (Free)
3. InCell VR
InCell VR is a premier educational VR app, designed to illuminate thee on the inner workings of the human body by delving to the cellular level. Gamifying biology with an action/racing game twist, it offers stunning visuals and engaging gameplay to impart knowledge about cells and their components in an enthralling manner.
Supported platforms: Google Cardboard/Daydream, iOS, Samsung Gear VR, Windows, HTC Vive, Oculus
Price: Free
4. Horizons
Not inclined towards educational content? Then Horizons beckons thee, a visual marvel that transports thee through interactive journeys based on the music of renowned producer Bonobo. Control the music, and watch as the visuals respond in kind. A psychedelic journey worth embarking upon, Horizons promises to enthrall thine senses with spatial sound and mesmerizing visuals.
Supported platforms: Google Daydream
Price: Free
5. Star Chart
Embark on a celestial voyage with Star Chart VR, a real-time space simulation that offers accurate celestial body locations visible from Earth. Traverse the solar system and beyond, delving into the realm of space exploration through immersive experiences.
Supported platforms: Android (Google Daydream/Google Cardboard), Windows, iOS, macOS, Xbox 360, Oculus
Price: $4.99
6. Google Earth VR
Recently updated, Google Earth VR ushers thee into a whole new world, where thou canst explore diverse locations in 3D with Street View support. Experience Earth in 3D, from popular landmarks to familiar scenes, and relive the most iconic moments of human space exploration.
Supported platforms: HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, Windows
Price: Free
Download Google Earth VR (Free)
To be continued…