Top 5 Ways to Fix Windows 10 Troubleshooter Not Working 1

Top 5 Ways to Fix Windows 10 Troubleshooter Not Working

Windows 10 includes a Troubleshooter to help you fix most system-level issues with ease. For the most part, Windows troubleshooter saves a lot of time by fixing technical errors. But every once in a while the troubleshooter might fail. If the Windows troubleshooter isn’t running on your computer, here are a few fixes you can try.

Problems with the Windows troubleshooter can appear in various ways.

  • Windows troubleshooter doesn’t work at all.
  • Windows troubleshooter gets stuck.
  • A 0x80300113 error pops up while troubleshooting.
  • The message ‘A problem is preventing the troubleshooter from starting 0x80070002/0x8e5e0247’ appears.
  • Error 0x803c010b pops up while troubleshooting.

Fortunately, the solutions we shared in this article will fix any of these problems.

    1. Start Cryptographic Services and Set Automatically

    If encryption has stopped in the background or isn’t working, your troubleshooter probably won’t work. Changes can be caused by a corrupt application or simply a Windows error that cannot be cleared. In either case, starting the encryption services by running the service manager is the best way to fix the problem. Follow this process to restart the service.

    Stage 1: Press Windows + R key, type services.msc in the dialog box and click Enter.

    Run Service Manager Windows

    Step 2: Scroll down and find Encryption services and double click on it.

    Run Cryptographic Services Windows 10

    Stage 3: Go to Startup type and set it to Automatic. Also, verify that the Service status is running. If not, hit the Start button and that should work things out. Complete this process by pressing OK and Apply to save the current changes.

    Automatically Set Cryptographic Services Windows 10

    2. Boot Your Device in Safe Mode

    Most of the time, booting your device in safe mode can fix the problem. Safe mode allows you to work with fewer apps and this improves your device’s performance. Follow the steps below to boot your device in safe mode.

    Stage 1: Click the Windows icons and select Settings.

    Window 10 Settings

    Step 2: Scroll down to Update & Security and click on it.

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    Windows Settings Update and Security

    Stage 3: Go to the left side of the screen and hit the Recovery option.

    Windows Settings Recovery Option

    Step 4: Find the Advanced startup option and press Restart now.

    Windows Settings Recovery Option Restart

    Step 5: Select the Troubleshooting tab to open advanced options.

    Restore PC Troubleshooting Option

    Step 6: Under Advanced options, hit Startup settings.

    Troubleshooting Advanced Options Windows 10

    Step 7: Press the Restart button in the next window.

    Reboot to Enable Safe Mode

    Step 8: Press F5 to enable safe mode with networking.

    Enable Safe Mode with Networking

    Try running the troubleshooter in safe mode and see if that fixes the problem.

    3. Confirm If Environment Variables Are Set Well

    If your computer has problems with the TEMP and TMP variables, your programs may not know where to install, store, or find files. This can cause the troubleshooter to stop or even crash. Make sure the environment variables are set well to fix the problem.

    Stage 1: Go to windows search bar and type Control panel

    Control Panel Windows 10

    Step 2: Medicine environment in the Control panel’s search bar to open the environment variables window.

    Control Panel Environment Variable Search

    Stage 3: Click on ‘Edit system environment variables’ to check if TEMP and TMP value are set.

    Edit Environment Variable Windows 10

    Step 4: Press Environment variables in the system properties windows.

    Environment Variables System Properties

    Step 5: If any of the variables are not set, click on it and hit the Edit button.

    Edit TEMP Environment Variable Windows 10

    Step 6: Medicine C:\Temperature In the variable value box and press OK. Repeat the process for other variables and this should fix the troubleshooting issue.

    Save Environment Variable Windows 10

    4. Use Command Prompt to Clear DNS Cache

    Cleaning the DNS can help resolve accessibility issues with the troubleshooter. You can run the command prompt like this:

    Stage 1: Find windows search bar, type cmd, and choose to run as administrator.

    cmd command

    Step 2: Medicine ipconfig /flushdns To start flushing DNS.


    After the process is complete, restart your device and try to run the troubleshooter.

    5. Perform System Restore

    Perform a system restore to fix any problematic files affecting the troubleshooter. A system restore will return your device to a stage before the error and have fewer problems. Here’s how to restore your system.

    Stage 1: Press Windows + S key, open Control panel, type repair in the search bar and click Create restore point.

    Restore Control Panel

    Step 2: In the system properties window, click System restore if available.

    Control Panel System Features

    Stage 3: Hit Next in the next window and click ‘Show more restore points’ if there is a restore point available. You can then select your preferred restore points and follow the prompts on your screen to complete the process.

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    Alternatively, you can choose to factory reset your PC. Here’s how you can do that.

    Stage 1: Go to Settings, select Update & Security and click Recovery.

    Windows Settings Recovery Option

    Step 2: Click on the Getting Started option in the right pane and the next window will give you the option to reset your computer by removing everything or keeping some files. Choose what you want to do and your system will be reset.

    Reset PC Options Windows 10

    Fixing the Troubleshooter

    The solutions mentioned above should help fix problems with the troubleshooter. You may need to try one or all of the options for the app to work. Rerunning your troubleshooter usually improves the performance of your other apps.

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