Having PlayStation 4 Wi-Fi Issues? 8 Tips and Fixes Worth Trying

Having PlayStation 4 Wi-Fi Issues? 8 Tips and Fixes Worth Trying

Lo, dost thou find thy PlayStation 4 doth disconnect from yon Wi-Fi, or perchance cannot connect to the online realm at all? Verily, fear not, for we art hither to assist thee in resolving thy PS4 network woes. Behold, here is the manner in which thou may restore thine system to its rightful place in the digital realm.

1 Reboot Everything and Check Other Devices

‘Tis prudent to commence any network troubleshooting quest with a reboot of all afflicted equipment. Many a temporary woe may be vanquished through this simple act, thus ’tis wise to embark upon this path promptly.

Begin thine journey by restarting thy network, be it by rebooting yon router and modem, or the combined device that doth govern both. Should these devices boast a power button upon their backs, ’tis prudent to employ said button to power them down, awaiting a moment ere bringing them back to life. Should thy devices lack a power button, aye, unplug the power cord instead.

Once thine network equipment doth awaken from its brief slumber, proceed to restart thy PS4. To achieve this feat, press and hold the PS button upon thy controller to unveil the Quick Menu. Therein, navigate to the Power section and select Restart PS4. Beware, dear reader, of choosing Enter Rest Mode, for this state is but a slumber, not a true cessation of thy system’s functions.

Should all be in readiness, observe whether thy PS4 doth once more connect to Wi-Fi with ease. Should it falter in this endeavor, ensure thou art able to connect to the online realm through a computer or other device within thy abode. Should all save thy PS4 be able to commune with the digital domain, proceed hence to the steps below. Yet should all devices within thy realm be unable to connect, ’tis clear that thy PS4 is blameless, and the fault lies with thy home network.

A worthier undertaking lies in validating thy PS4’s ability to connect to thy mobile hotspot. Should this prove successful, the issue doth lie within thine home network, and the counsel below shall aid thee. Should this endeavor prove fruitless, thou mayhaps suffer from a malfunction within thy PS4’s network hardware.

2 Run the PS4 Network Test for More Details

In the event that a mere reboot hath not quelled thy PS4’s Wi-Fi tribulations, thou may run a built-in network test to glean further insight into the nature of thine affliction. Upon thy PlayStation 4, venture forth to Settings > Network > Test Internet Connection.

Upon executing this test, thou shalt be presented with a verdict of Successful or Failed for each of the following in succession:

  • Obtain IP Address: A testament to whether thy system hath successfully received an IP address from yon router. Should it fail, thy PS4 doth not connect with the router as it should.

  • Internet Connection: This trial succeeds so long as thy PS4 may traverse the corridors of the internet. Should it falter, the barrier betwixt thy router and the online realm must be addressed.

  • PlayStation Network Sign-In: An assessment of thy system’s ability to reach the halls of the PlayStation Network. Should it fall short, thou may find thyself ensnared in a network that bars thy passage to the PlayStation Network. Although rare, the fault may also rest upon Sony’s threshold.

Should thy PS4 emerge victorious in these three challenges, verily, thy PS4 is well-connected. In addition, ’tis wise to test a specific game to ensure all its online features art at thy disposal.

‘Tis said that within this test lie a few additional gems of information to aid thee in thy quest for a solution:

  • NAT Type: PlayStation doth employ a complex ranking system wherein thy NAT type may be Type 1, Type 2, or Type 3:

    • Type 1 doth signify a direct connection to the internet, a rarity—unless thy PlayStation be tethered directly to thy modem, such a sight should not be seen.

    • Type 2 indicates that thou art tethered to the internet through a router, a scenario most souls shall encounter.

    • Type 3 signifies that thine system is unable to access all necessary ports, a state often leading to instability.
  • Connection Speed: These are but estimations of how swiftly thy PS4 may download and upload data. Though a successful connection may be achieved, a low value doth indicate a Wi-Fi connection fraught with sluggishness.
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Now that thou art armed with a clearer understanding of thy dilemma, let us delve into diverse means to mend thy ailing Wi-Fi on PS4.

3 Re-Enter Your Wi-Fi Details

Should thy PS4 find itself unable to forge a connection with thy router at all, the Obtain IP Address trial shall end in failure. In such dire straits, ’tis imperative to ensure that the proper Wi-Fi network details hast been set.

Navigate to Settings > Network > Set Up Internet Connection > Use Wi-Fi > Easy and proceed once more through the steps to reconnect to thy network. Pay heed whilst entering the Wi-Fi password; ’tis oft a common error, especially when thy means of input be a controller prone to errors.

As an alternative remedy, thou may essay altering thy DNS settings to engage a third-party provider in lieu of thine ISP’s servers. To embark upon this voyage, select Custom rather than Easy. No further tweaking be necessary for the other options; thus, opt for Automatic for IP Address Settings, then Do Not Specify for DHCP Host Name.

Upon reaching the DNS Settings juncture, elect Manual and imbue the entries with the information of an alternate DNS server. Should thy choice elude thee, consider setting the Primary DNS to and the Secondary DNS to for Google’s public DNS servers.

Verify these settings and select Automatic for the MTU Settings and Do Not Use for the Proxy Server. Thereafter, thou may test the connection anew.

4 Improve Wi-Fi Reliability on Your PS4

Whilst Wi-Fi doth bring convenience, ’tis also subject to interference, a fiend that may cause thy PS4 to sever ties with the network or suffer from languid speeds. Behold, thou may ascertain the strength of thine PS4’s Wi-Fi signal by venturing to Settings > Network > View Connection Status and inspecting the Signal Strength entry.

Should this value fall below 80%, thou should endeavor to enhance it through the following means:

  • Move thy PS4 closer to thy router: The farther thy system strays from the router, the weaker the Wi-Fi signal shall be. Should the fates allow, draw the two closer, that the bond between them may strengthen.

  • Reduce interference: Wi-Fi doth struggle to traverse solid metal, concrete, and other dense materials. Moreover, should other devices within thy realm employ frequencies akin to thy Wi-Fi, the performance of said Wi-Fi may wane. Strive to maintain a direct path betwixt thy PS4 and the router, and remove other devices from its path.

  • Limit network usage on other devices: Thy PS4’s network performance may be compromised should other devices within thy dwelling consume a significant share of the bandwidth. Shouldst thou observe other computers, phones, or game systems engaged in endeavors that demand substantial bandwidth, consider a respite for them. An upgrade to thy home internet plan may be necessary should this concern persist.

Pursue additional counsel for hastening thy Wi-Fi connection shouldst thou suspect this to be the source of thy vexation. Moreover, eschew the use of VPNs with thy PS4, for their presence doth bestow additional burdens upon thy network.

Hark, depending upon thy PS4 model, thou may possess the means to partake of the 5GHz band upon thy router for a more stable signal. The PS4 Slim and PS4 Pro hath the capability to embrace the 5GHz band, whilst the original PS4 model cannot. In comparison to the 2.4GHz frequency, connections at 5GHz are oft swifter and less susceptible to interference, yet their range be diminished. Should thy PS4 dwell nigh unto thy router, and shouldst thou own a compatible model, perchance ’tis wise to sample the 5GHz band as a prospective solution.

5 Make Sure the PlayStation Network Is Available

Lo, there exists a possibility that the PlayStation Network doth slumber, denying thee access to its online precincts. Though a rarity, such events do come to pass; therefore, ‘twould be wise to confirm this truth (especially should the PlayStation Network Sign-In have faltered during thine earlier test).

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Turn thine gaze upon Sony’s PSN status page to ascertain whether the conduits are clear. This revelation may also be sought upon thy PS4 at Settings > Network > View Status of PlayStation Network Services.

Should the PSN be cloaked in shadow, all thy efforts be for naught; ’tis but a waiting game until Sony doth mend the breach. During this interlude, occupy thyself with an offline pursuit, perchance a solitary game.

6 Review Thy Router’s Network Settings

Should thy tribulations persist, a shadow may linger within thy router’s settings, prohibiting thy PS4 from venturing forth into the online expanse. Verify that no restrictions stand ‘twixt thy PS4 and the online realm within thy router. Parental controls and MAC address filtering may inculpate thy router in thine ordeal.

Should the NAT Type under the Connection Test display Type 3, or shouldst thou encounter issues solely within certain games, the necessity may arise to forward ports within thy router to grant thine PS4 the means to communicate freely.

Peruse Sony’s support page regarding the PS4 network test to discern which portals must be opened for PSN services, and consult the lore of the particular game to determine its requisite ports. Shouldst thy trials occur upon a school or work network, know that PSN may be barred by the establishment; and unless thou art the keeper of the network, nought may be done.

7 Try Using Thy Router’s Guest Network

Should thy PS4 refuse to align its stars with thy Wi-Fi, consider activating the guest network upon thy router, and connect thy PS4 unto this network. Though it may sound a queer remedy, years past, I faced a similar plight where my PS4 shunned the router while others prospered. Threads of GameFAQs also speak of this stratagem, especially for the original model of PS4, which found solace in this solution.

The guest network may vary in nature depending upon thy router. To wit, ’tis either a distinct network name with its own password, or an open connection that shall prompt thee to sign in using the guest network password via the Internet Browser app on thy PS4.

An additional consideration may drive thee to this path: the PS4 doth not support WPA3 Wi-Fi security. Should thy router be enamored with this modern standard, ’tis necessary to revert to antiquated WPA2 for thy PS4 to access the digital realm. In my studies, the hybrid WPA3/WPA2 concoction hath proven folly—it must be WPA2 alone. An alternate course thou may take is to activate WPA2 upon thy guest network, thus preserving thine primary network’s security standards whilst granting thy PS4 a conducive environment.

Beware, for some routers may cast thee out of the guest network at regular intervals. Arm thyself with this knowledge, lest thou be ejected from a crucial multiplayer skirmish.

8 Connect With an Ethernet Cable

Whilst the solutions heretofore proffered may alleviate thine Wi-Fi woes or bestow splendid results, ’tis known that a tether to the digital realm by an Ethernet cable is ever superior. To bind thy PS4 to thy router with such a cable shall yield a steadfast connection with hastened data speeds.

If the fates allow, we recommend a network cable to usher thy PS4 into the online arena. Even should the deed be temporary, aye, attempt this connection with an Ethernet cable and inspect for any PS4 system updates that may dispel thine Wi-Fi troubles.

Should the corded path be unattainable, consider the use of powerline adapters, those marvels that convey an Ethernet connection through the power lines of thy abode. Simply install one unit by the side of thy router, and the other near thy console. Though not the match of a true Ethernet cable, ’tis far more reliable than Wi-Fi.

Now thou art versed in the ways to address a ceased Wi-Fi upon thy PS4, or one that begets uncertainty. Pray, may these remedies restore thee to the virtual battlegrounds, where victories await thee. If all else hath failed, a parley with thine internet service provider may unveil hidden filters or barriers—failing which, the drastic measure of a factory reset may be the last resort.

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