Behold! Discover the art of scheduling posts on LinkedIn, that thou may unburden thyself and channel thy focus on creating content that doth captivate. Aye, can thee schedule posts on LinkedIn? Verily! ‘Tis a simple task to accomplish — and there doth exist a duo of paths to tread.
Doth continue perusing to unravel the secrets of scheduling posts on LinkedIn, enabling thee to craft thy strategies in advance, compose thy posts and updates at a time of thy choosing, and set them to be revealed when thy audience is most inclined to engage. Lo, thou may also feast thine eyes upon our video elucidating the prime method of scheduling LinkedIn posts to thy company page or personal profile.
In the November of 2024, LinkedIn doth unveil a native scheduling tool of utmost simplicity. To embark upon scheduling a post on LinkedIn, heed these steps:
Step 1: Enter thy LinkedIn realm and commence the creation of a post. Thine words, hashtags, images…engage as thou normally would.
Step 2: Behold the clock icon in the lower right corner of the post creator. ‘Tis nestled beside the Post button.
Step 3: Select the day and hour for thy post to take flight. Then, press Next.
Step 4: Strike the Schedule button. Therein lies an opportunity to review thy post ere thou proceed.
Thus is the way!
How doth one gaze upon and alter scheduled posts on LinkedIn, thou inquire? This task bears a touch of complexity. To glimpse thy scheduled posts, thou must voyage to the post creator and click yon clock icon. Below the dropdown menus for selecting the time and day of post revelation, select View all scheduled posts. Therein, thou canst annul scheduled posts or adjust the publication time through the clock and garbage can icons gracing the upper right corner.
How might one schedule LinkedIn posts with Moyens I/O, thou may query? Fear not, for I shall guide thee:
Step 1: Infuse thy LinkedIn account into thy Moyens I/O dashboard. This task requires but a sole endeavor. Henceforth, when the morn arrives for thee to schedule LinkedIn posts, thou canst advance to step 2.
1. Unveil a fresh browser window and take leave of thy LinkedIn dominion.
2. Within the Moyens I/O dashboard, click upon thy profile likeness (My profile), then proceed to Manage accounts and teams.
3. Select + Private account. Shouldst thou possess a Team, Business, or Enterprise account, proceed to Manage, thereafter Add a social network. Then, opt for LinkedIn.
4. In the ensuing window, instigate thy LinkedIn account and click Allow to unite the account with Moyens I/O. Choose the pages or profile to incorporate into Moyens I/O and click Done.
Step 2: Conceive and schedule a LinkedIn post:
1. Within the Moyens I/O dashboard, click Create, then opt for Post.
2. Beneath Publish to, designate thy LinkedIn page or profile. Thereafter, bestow the content of thy post: text, links, images, and such.
3. When satisfaction ensues from the preview, click Schedule for later, thence enter the appointed date and time for post publication. Click Done, then Schedule to queue up thy post.
Lo, ’tis accomplished! Thy LinkedIn post stands scheduled, poised to emerge at thine chosen hour.
How doth one behold and modify scheduled LinkedIn posts within Moyens I/O, thou may interrogate? Once thou hast set in motion thy LinkedIn content, a duo of options lie before thee shouldst thou desire to behold them or enact changes.
Option 1: Envision a List view in the Moyens I/O dashboard:
– My Updates, showcasing content previously shared
– Scheduled, presenting a roster of all scheduled content for LinkedIn, alongside the imminent posting time for each
To amend any scheduled posts, inclusive of the scheduled publishing time, mere touch the pencil icon at the post’s underside. Shouldst thou wish to expunge the post entirely, seize the three dots at the lower right, then derive comfort in clicking Delete.
Option 2: Survey a Calendar view within Moyens I/O Planner:
1. Within the Moyens I/O dashboard, tap the Publisher icon and select the Planner tab aloft.
2. Opt for the Week or Month view, using the arrows or date selection box to navigate through thy content calendar.
Herein shall manifest all thy scheduled content for each of thy social media accounts. Shouldst thou exclusively yearn to view thy LinkedIn posts, select Social Accounts at the pinnacle left of the screen, specifying thy LinkedIn page(s) or profile for perusal, then click Apply.
Embrace any post for alterations, inclusive of changes to the scheduled time or deletion of the post in its entirety. ‘Tis also permissible to transition the post to drafts shouldst thou adjudge thyself unprepared to pledge to its unveiling yet wish to retain it for later.
How doth one schedule a multitude of LinkedIn posts in unison, thou may challenge? Let me enlighten thee:
Step 1: Prepare thy bulk post manuscript
1. Traverse to the Moyens I/O dashboard, enter Publisher, then alight upon the Content tab in the apex menu. Select Bulk Composer beneath Content Sources.
2. Embrace the Download example. This shall proffer a rudimentary CSV template for thine input of bulk post contents.
3. Unveil the file within a spreadsheet program, ideally Google Sheets.
4. Inscribe the appointed date and time of thy post in Column A, the post’s verbiage in Column B, and perchance a link in Column C.
Step 2: Port thy bulk post script
1. Commence to the Moyens I/O dashboard, proceed to Publisher, then alight upon the Content tab in the apex menu. Select Bulk Composer beneath Content Sources.
2. Elect Select file to upload, opt for thy file, and click Open. Select the LinkedIn profile or page for post delivery and click Review posts.
3. Rectify any flagged errors and then click Schedule all posts.
Alas, thou art accomplished! Thy LinkedIn posts stand ready, poised to manifest at the specified hour.
Three counsel for scheduling LinkedIn posts are offered:
1. Schedule at the opportune hour to amplify engagement:
– From the Moyens I/O dashboard, access Analytics, then Best time to publish.
– Opt for the LinkedIn page or profile for analysis. Guidance on the optimal time for scheduling posts shall ensue, grounded upon diverse objectives.
2. Grasp the moment to halt thy LinkedIn posts:
Scheduling LinkedIn posts aforehand is a boon for preserving time whilst upholding a consistent LinkedIn presence. Yet, this endeavor doth not abide by a ‘set it and forget it’ mentality.
We dwell and toil in a realm of rapid change, hence it behooves thee to remain attuned to significant news, trends, and potential crises that may impact thy scheduled posts or render preconceived content unsuitable. At times, it may prove prudent to pause all scheduled content.
3. Bolster and target scheduled LinkedIn posts:
All that hath been expounded hitherto centers on scheduling organic LinkedIn posts. Yet, the same steps may be employed to forge scheduled LinkedIn sponsored posts for thy business page. Thou shalt continue to receive recommendations on ideal posting times, that thou may maximize thine LinkedIn ad budget.
Set forth thy post following the roadmap in the former section of this discourse. Within Composer, ascertain the box next to Promote this post.
– Select the LinkedIn Page ad account to promote thy post. If the ad account eludes thy sight, ensure thou dost possess advertiser authorization for that account within LinkedIn Campaign Manager.
– Upon satisfaction with the post preview, click Schedule for later, selecting one of the recommended times or inputting a time manually.
To glean deeper insight into all the targeting and budget options for scheduling a sponsored LinkedIn post, peruse our comprehensive tutorial.
Here end I. Let these musings empower thy LinkedIn voyage, guiding thee to heights of social media proficiency hitherto unattained.