While Microsoft has doubled down on updates with Windows 10, there are some underlying issues that have made the updating experience disappointing. Many Windows 10 users have recently complained that updates get stuck checking for updates for days and do not disappear even after restarting the computer. In this article, we will discuss this issue. We have provided two full proof methods that can restart the windows update service from scratch so that you can install the updates without any problems. That said, let’s start the article and learn the steps in detail.
Fixing the Problem of Checking for Updates in Windows 10
First of all, we will pass an automatic method Here is where we will use a script to reset the Windows Update Agent. Following this, we will use manual steps in case the automated script doesn’t fix the “checking for updates” issue. Remember, none of your personal data will be deleted in either transaction, so you don’t have to worry about that. Now having said that, let’s get started without further delay.
Fix Checking for Updates in Windows 10 with a Script
1. All you have to do is download this ZIP file from here. It is a script written by
Manual F. Gil to reset the Windows Update Agent. After downloading, open the file on your computer.
2. Then open it and Right click on “ResetWUEng” and select “Run as Administrator”. Remember, Administrator privilege is a must to fix the error checking for updates in Windows 10.
3. Now a small window will pop up asking your permission to run the program. type “Y” and press enter.
4. Next, Type 2″ Select “Reset Windows Update Components” from the menu and then press enter. It will immediately start checking for corrupt update files and invalid values in the Registry.
5. After a full summary, the “process completed” window will be displayed in a few minutes. Now, close the window and restart your computer. The “Checking for Updates” error on your Windows 10 PC should be gone by now.
Manually Fix the Problem of Checking for Updates in Windows 10
1. If you have some expertise with Windows 10, you can solve this problem without downloading any program. Just search cmd in search bar and click “Run as administrator” in the right pane.
2. After that, paste the first command into Command Prompt and press enter. Deletes the BITS (Background Intelligent Transfer Service) file that may have been corrupted during a transfer service. Now, close the window. As an alternaive, qmgr.dat select the file from below path and delete the file manually.
Del "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\Microsoft\Network\Downloader\qmgr*.dat"
3. Now, Press the Windows and R keys simultaneously Type to open the Run window. services.msc
Enter it in the text box and press enter.
4. It will open the Windows Service Manager. Scroll down here and Search for “Windows Update”. Now, double-click on it to turn on the service and then click on the “Stop” button.
5. Click the “Start” button to restart the service after a while. Now close the window and restart your computer. This time you shouldn’t be stuck with the Checking for Updates error in Windows 10.
Is Your Computer Still Stuck On Checking For Updates Error?
This was our short tutorial on how to fix problems checking for updates in Windows 10. We have mentioned both automatic and manual methods so that you can choose whichever you find easier to use. Other than that, most of the time, Windows update gets stuck due to issues like moderate usage of your network or corruption in the downloaded image. Anyway, that’s it for us. Let us know in the comment section below if our guide helped you fix the issue.