How to Watch Red Bull Stratos on iPhone, iPad and Android 1

How to Watch Red Bull Stratos on iPhone, iPad and Android

Sometime later, Felix Baumgartner will experience a supersonic freefall from 120,000 feet in the air and jump out of the stratosphere wearing just a spacesuit in an attempt to break the speed of sound. Obviously, this is an event worth watching, and luckily, it’s easy to get started on your iPhone, iPad or Android device, even if you don’t have a computer around.

Red Bull sponsors Baumgartner’s epic dive through the atmosphere, and the company is currently offering several ways to watch his venture live in real time. Obviously, the easiest way is to watch from a PC. If you’re in front of a computer, navigate to: and you will be ready to go.

: Watch the Red Bull Stratos jump live on Sunday, October 14.

In case you don’t have access to one, we’d like to detail a few ways you can follow the trial as soon as it happens, from the comfort of your smartphone or tablet.

How to Watch Red Bull Stratos on iPhone, iPad and Android

Like PC, you can navigate to the website in your browser. This means you will want to go there. Once there, you need to scroll down and look for the Live option. Tap this and you will be prompted to start the video.

This will open a YouTube stream of the event that you can watch from the safety of your own iPad, iPhone or Android device. If you want to skip all the relevant information on the website itself, you can also go directly to YouTube.

To do this, just .

Using the Red Bull TV App

Another way to watch the event live is to download the Red Bull TV app, which is free for both iPhone, iPad and Android. The app can be downloaded for free and can be found in both the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store.

The Red Bull TV app is a way to watch it.

iPhone and iPad users can find the app at: Apple App Store. In addition, those who use Android devices can find the application at the address below. Google Play store. Once the app is downloaded, the live stream should be easily accessible from the app.

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Note that the app will use a ton of data, so if you’re on a tiered data plan you’ll want to monitor your Red Bull TV usage.

When Will the Jump Occur?

Obviously, the jump did not take place today due to unfavorable weather conditions. According to the Red Bull Stratos Twitter account, it doesn’t look like the event will take place tomorrow either.

Once the weather clears though, the jump will happen and you’ll be able to stream it live.