How to Turn off Spell Check in Windows 10 1

How to Turn off Spell Check in Windows 10

Few modern conveniences have permeated technology like spell checking. Spell or misspell a word and the spellcheck is there, ready to correct your mistakes so you don’t accidentally look stupid in a tweet or Facebook status message. We expect the iPhone and devices running Google’s Android operating system to include spell checking due to their touchscreen keyboards. Microsoft’s Windows 10 operating system has spell checking for laptops, desktop tablets and smartphones.

Spell check is seamlessly integrated into Windows 10. It’s there from the moment you boot up a device running the operating system. The feature tries to find the word you want to type instead of waiting for you to correct your mistakes.

Sometimes integrated spell checking is great. Other times, it can hurt more than it’s worth. In such cases, you will want to turn off spell checking in Windows 10. Here’s how to do this.

Before You Begin

Theoretically speaking, Windows 10 spell check is there to keep you from making mistakes. Before you turn it off, you want to be absolutely sure you don’t need it.

After turning the feature off, you’ll notice how often you misspell or misspell a word, and the operating system corrects it for you. Don’t worry, if you regret turning off spellcheck, you can turn it back on. Note that enabling and disabling spell checking in Windows 10 is the same for laptops and tablets running the operating system. The process is slightly different for smartphones running Windows 10.

What do you want to know

Press the Windows key on your keyboard or the Windows button on the Taskbar to open Start.

How to turn off spell checking in Windows 10 (1)

Welcome to the startup experience. Depending on whether Tablet Mode is turned on or not, your Getting Started experience may differ slightly from the above. Tap or click the Menu button in the lower left corner of the Start Screen to get a list of all the apps installed on your device.

Now tap or click the option in the left corner of your screen. Users with Tablet Mode turned off on their device will see the Settings option on Start as soon as they turn it on.

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How to turn off spell checking in Windows 10 (2)

Inside the Settings app, tap or click . It’s the second option in the top row from the left side of your screen.

How to turn off spell checking in Windows 10 (3)

Tap or click now

How to turn off spell checking in Windows 10 (4)

From here you can customize many of the keyboard improvements Microsoft has made in Windows 10 and Windows 8. To turn off the spell check, click or tap the switch under This will disable autocorrect.

Just below this option, Disable kills the red underlines that let you know you’ve mistyped something. In general, disabling spell checking is fine, but disabling both spell checking and highlighting for misspelled words is a bad idea. If that’s the way you use it, you need to follow what you write very closely to avoid typos.

How to turn off spell checking in Windows 10 (5)

Below these options are settings for typing and Windows 10’s touch keyboard. These options do nothing for users with physical keyboards attached to their device rather than relying on touch.

It is important to note that the changes you make here will permeate Windows 10. For example, Windows Store apps delegate spell checking functionality to Windows itself. If you have disabled this feature in Windows, you may not have spell-checked in some of these applications as well.

Making such a change in Windows 8 will automatically sync with your other devices. With Windows 10, it is not. This means you will have to manually disable spell checking on all devices you want it to continue.

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