How to Save Email Attachments on iPhone in iOS 9 1

How to Save Email Attachments on iPhone in iOS 9

If you’ve ever tried to save email attachments on iPhone, you know how frustrating it can be – while preventing users from accessing the file system helps keep iOS safe, you can’t easily save files that fall into your inbox. Fortunately, iOS 9 changed all that – that’s how it works.

Apple created some kind of user-friendly file system to facilitate attachments in iOS 9. Earlier versions of iOS forced users to rely on various third-party apps. Photos and ultimately PDFs can be natively processed by iOS; other, more hidden file types required special software – this can be a problem if you need to download a ZIP file, for example.

Saving attachments in iOS 9.

But the Mail app has grown in iOS 9, and a new Save Attachment feature lets you download literally any file, even if iOS doesn’t support opening it.

Tap and hold the attachment icon in one of your email messages.

The iCloud Drive screen lets you organize attachments and files into folders.

A menu slides up from the bottom of the screen. You will notice that one of the icons says ‘Save Attachment’. Tap on it to turn on iCloud Drive (if you have the service enabled) as the default option to save your attachment. Note: In the images above, when you tap and hold your attachment in an email message, you’ll see the window on the left. If you open your attachment the correct window will appear, then try sharing.
Saving attachments to iOS 9.

If you save a file here, you can access the file on any iOS 9 device using the iCloud Drive app. Macs running OS X Yosemite or El Capitan can access it from the Finder, while PCs running Windows 7, 8, or 10 can access File Explorer after installing it. iCloud for Windows. You can also go to, sign in, and access your files there.

For example, if you want to save your email attachment in your Dropbox directory, you need to install the Dropbox app. Similarly, installing Microsoft’s OneDrive app will give your OneDrive account access to save files. Once you’ve installed the app you want to save, proceed as above by tapping and holding your attachment, then clicking Save Attachment. In the window that appears, tap ‘Places’ in the upper left corner. This will allow you to choose the service you want to register.

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IMG_0171     Saving attachments to iOS 9.

Not every cloud storage app has been updated to take advantage of this feature, so you may have to wait for the developers to update their software.

Dropbox currently does not support using the Save Attachment and Locations file system, for example, but offers a ‘Save to Dropbox’ icon right next to Save Attachment that does the same thing.

You can also save directly to an OS X Server share from this screen, if you or your IT person have set it up in advance.