How to Enable AssistiveTouch in iOS 13 and iPadOS 13 1

How to Enable AssistiveTouch in iOS 13 and iPadOS 13

AssistiveTouch is probably the highlight of the Accessibility suite. While it’s designed for people who have trouble touching the screen or need an adaptive accessory, anyone can take advantage of it to perform several tasks more comfortably. Unfortunately, despite being such a remarkable feature, it remains largely unexplored. Wouldn’t it be great if you could capture the screen of your iPhone or iPad with a single tap or access all Accessibility features like Zoom, Smart Flip or VoiceOver? Yes, it is not only more convenient, but also saves you time. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg as you can accomplish several tasks faster. In this hands-on guide, we’ll show you how you can enable and use AssistiveTouch in iOS 13 and iPadOS 13.

Enable AssistiveTouch in iOS 13 and iPadOS 13

With iOS 13, Apple slightly changed the Accessibility position and many of its sub-features. For a change, Accessibility now has a permanent place on the main Settings screen; this is a good move considering how important it is. As for AssistiveTouch, it’s now included in a new section. Due to the relocation, many users may wonder where this feature is headed. So, let’s first see how you can enable AssistiveTouch and then we’ll move on to its use.

one. Settings app on your iPhone or iPad.

2. Now, tap on Accessibility and choose To touch The option located under the PHYSICAL AND ENGINE section.

Select the touch option - enable AssistiveTouch in iOS 13

3. Next, tap on it. Assistive touch and then turn on the switch to activate.

Enable AssistiveTouch in iOS 13

Now, a small gray AssistiveTouch button will appear on the screen. You can tap it to access options such as rotating the screen, accessing Notification/Control Center, adjusting the volume, and more.

If you later decide to turn AssistiveTouch off on your device, go back to the same setting and disable the toggle.

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Customize the Top Level Menu Shown in AssistiveTouch

Depending on your needs, you can customize the top-level menu in AssistiveTouch to easily access frequently used features like App Switcher, SOS, Accessibility, and more.

1. Follow steps 1 to 3 above, and then Customize Top Level Menu choice.

Tap Customize Top Level Menu

2. Now, tap on an icon you want to change and then select the preferred option. Finally, be sure to tap on it. Completed top right to confirm.

Customize the Ultimate AssistiveTouch Menu in iOS 13

By default, the menu shows six options such as Home, Notifications, Device, Control Center, Gestures, and Custom. However, you can increase or decrease the number of items you want on the menu.

To increase an item: tap the “+” button > tap the empty box > select the desired option > tap Completed.

Increase or decrease the options in the AssistiveTouch menu

Reset AssistiveTouch Menu: If you find that the AssistiveTouch menu is broken, Reset Press the button to set it to default.

Reset AssistiveTouch menu

Customize Custom Actions and Gestures to Get the Most out of AssistiveTouch

One of the best things about AssistiveTouch is that you can fine-tune custom actions and gestures to perform repetitive tasks much faster. Here’s how you can do it;

Take advantage of Tap and Long Press Actions

If you find restarting the device a bit inconvenient, you can assign a one-tap action to reboot or even choose to capture a screen with just one tap. So use custom actions to interact with the AssistiveTouch icon without having to open the menu. Similarly, you can assign actions for “Double Tap” and “Long Press”.

Fine-Tuning Special Operations

Create Custom Gestures

Gestures are great as they are very useful for performing tasks more comfortably. So, if you like them, create new gestures that you can activate from the AssistiveTouch menu. Just tap on Create New Motion and then tap or swipe the screen to create a custom gesture. When you’re happy with your move, be sure to tap on it. save top right and give it a suitable name.

Create Custom Gestures

Set Idle Opacity of AssistiveTouch Icon

Don’t want the AssistiveTouch icon to distract you when not in use? Well, you can reduce its visibility to keep it out of sight. Tap the Idle Opacity option and then drag the slider to the left to decrease the opacity.

Decrease AssistiveTouch Opacity

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Get the Most Out of AssistiveTouch on iPhone and iPad…

This is an easy way to enable AssistiveTouch in iOS 13 and iPadOS 13. I have always loved using this feature for many reasons. For one, it allows me to perform multiple tasks such as clearing the iPhone’s RAM or accessing all my favorite Accessibility features like color filters, classic inversion, and faster. What is your favorite thing about him? Let me know in the comments below.

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