How to Customize Language Settings for Specific Apps in macOS Catalina 1

How to Customize Language Settings for Specific Apps in macOS Catalina

macOS Catalina has come with a few new features like Screen Time and Confirmation with Apple Watch. While the highlight additions got plenty of attention, nifty little features like the ability to change the language of a particular Mac app didn’t get much attention – just like its iOS 13 counterpart. I found this feature really useful as I like to localize some of my favorite apps. Arguably, the best part about it is the customization, which makes it much easier to control the languages ​​of your favorite apps. If you find it worth a try, here is a quick breakdown of customizing language settings for specific apps in macOS Catalina.

How to Change App-Specific Language on Mac

From now on, you don’t need to force every Mac app to use the default language. So you can set your iMessage to use French while keeping English as the preferred lingo in Mail. Note that not all macOS apps support many languages. Having said that, let’s get started!

1. First, click on Apple select the menu in the upper left corner of the screen and System Preferences.

2. Now, click Language and Region.

Click on Language and Region.

3. Next, click on apps tab.

Click on Language and Region

4. Next, click on “+” button.

Click on Language and Region.

5. Next, click . Drop down menu Next to the application option.

Click on the drop down menu

6. Now, choose app Which language do you want to change? I will change the language for of the book application.

Choose application

7. collapse next to the menu Tongue.

Click on the arrow that pops up before the language

8. desired language from the available options. I would like to choose Hindi as my preferred language for of the book application.

Choose the language you want

9. Finally, click on Add.

Click Add

This much! You have successfully changed the language of your favorite Mac app. Now go ahead and open the app. Localized in your language.

Customizing Language Settings for Mac Apps

You can easily configure the language settings of your favorite macOS apps in the list, according to your needs.

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1.Open System Preferences > Language and Region > apps tab.

Select the Applications tab

2. Now, related application and then click on collapse Menu.

Click Drop Drop for specific app

3. Next, preferred language.

Next, select the preferred language.

Remove Apps from List

  1. System Preferences > Language and Region > apps tab.

Select the Applications tab

2. Now, choose app you want to remove and then Remove the (-) button.

Click the remove button

Note: Now, a popup may appear, Changed “Language Setting” for “Application name”. Do you want to restart the application now?” click Restart Now To allow the application to use a new language.

From now on, this app will use your Mac’s default language.

Change Language Per App on Mac

So you can change the language on an app-by-app basis on your macOS device. I’m sure you’ll love using it, as it works reliably. Such features may not shake the keynote, but they do improve the user experience, right? By the way, what are your favorite features in the latest macOS release and what makes them stand out? It would be great to know your feedback.