Every Mac user ultimately wants to know how much time their machine has left under warranty, and there’s actually a really quick and easy way to look up this information without having to call Apple or go through your warranty paperwork.
When you want to know what the warranty status of your Mac is, you must first find your machine’s serial number printed on the bottom of MacBooks. Apple also claims you can find it in the window in OS X, but we believe this is no longer the case.
Once you have the serial number, you can log into your support profile and get the information from there. However, we found that there is a much easier and faster way to get warranty information on your Mac with just a few clicks.
Knowing when your warranty expires is very important because it entitles you to free service and repair whenever your Mac breaks down, but if you don’t know this information, it can open up a world of bigger problems for you. may think you still have a warranty even though it may have expired months ago.
Here’s how to quickly and easily find out about the warranty status on your Mac.
Mac Warranty Status
It literally takes about 10 seconds to check when your Mac’s warranty has expired. To accomplish this, follow these steps:
This web page provides information about when your phone technical support service will end, as well as when your repair coverage will end. As you can see on my late 2013 MacBook Pro, phone support has already ended, but repair coverage doesn’t end until October 29, 2014, which is exactly one year after I bought the laptop.
You can also use this website to extend your warranty and get AppleCare+, which extends technical support and repair coverage for two more years after the initial warranty period.
Anyone who bought a MacBook this day last year, however, unless you bought AppleCare+, your warranty ends today; in this case, you have two more years until the warranty expires.
The New MacBook Pro was introduced late last month, with a modest speed boost and more memory for the same price. Those who purchase this machine on launch day will receive the standard Apple warranty until July 29, 2015.
Apple’s Mac warranty gives you a free repair if your machine breaks down at any point during the warranty period. Once it expires, you will have to pay out-of-pocket for any repairs that need to be made. Sometimes it’s a good idea to put some security veil on your Mac purchase as it can be tough on your bank account when the warranty expires and your Mac breaks down, but laptops tend to fail, and get AppleCare+ as it’s one of the best warranty options.