Top Deadlock Keybinds: Boost Your Gameplay with These Pro Tips

Top Deadlock Keybinds: Boost Your Gameplay with These Pro Tips

In the realm of Deadlock, the delicate balance between triumph and defeat lies in the hands of the right keybinds. These digital switches, akin to the enchanted spells of old, hold the power to elevate one’s performance from mere struggle to glorious victory on the battlefield. Behold, for I shall elucidate the sacred art of keybind settings in Deadlock, guiding you to vanquish your adversaries in the forthcoming skirmish.

Best Deadlock settings for mouse and keyboard

The intricate web of keybinds woven before you encompasses the fundamental movements and actions requisite in any Deadlock encounter. I proffer these configurations unto you, urging you to first tread their path and then shape them to your own essence. For it is in the mastery of controls that the true virtuoso emerges, dancing through the digital tapestry with unparalleled finesse.


The cadence of movement, akin to a ballet of keystrokes, remains faithful to the traditional form of most FPS games, a steadfast beacon in the tumultuous sea of battle.

  • Move Forward: W
  • Move Backward: S
  • Move Left (Strafe): A
  • Move Right (Strafe): D
  • Jump/Mantle: Space
  • Dash: Left Shift
  • Crouch/Slide: Left Control


The elusive items, betwixt the grasp of reality and illusion, find their sanctum within the hallowed halls of keybind rearrangement. A harmonious blend of accessibility and distinction beckons forth.

  • Item 1: 1
  • Item 2: 2
  • Item 3: 3
  • Item 4: 4


In the symphony of interaction, a melody of voices intertwines with the dance of keybinds. Behold the mosaic of connectivity, each keystroke a brushstroke in the canvas of camaraderie.

  • Push to Talk: `
  • Chat All: Shift + Return (Enter)
  • Chat Team: Return (Enter)
  • Mouse Wheel: Y
  • Ping: Click Mouse Wheel (Mouse3)


The arcane energies of ability find their locus in the midst of battle, reshaped for nimble execution in the crucible of combat. Behold the transmutation of keystrokes, a ballet of power and finesse.

  • Melee: Side Mouse Button (Mouse4)
  • Ability 1: Q
  • Ability 2: E
  • Ability 3: C
  • Ability 4: V
  • Melee Parry/Throw Held Item: F
  • Cancel Ability: Space
  • Change Self Cast Mode: Double Tap

Miscellaneous Keybinds

A tapestry of diverse commands unfurls before you, a medley of functions woven into the very fabric of your digital existence. Each keystroke a gateway to a realm of possibilities untold.

  • Fire: Left Mouse Button (Mouse1)
  • Zoom: Right Mouse Button (Mouse2)
  • Extra Info: Left Alt
  • Open Shop: B
  • Scoreboard: Tab
  • Reload: R
  • Dev Console: F7
  • Pause: P
  • Toggle Free Cursor: J
  • Spectate Teammates: F1-F5
In relation :  6 Best Stands for MacBook Pro for Comfortable Typing

Should you still tread the untrodden paths of Deadlock, venture forth and seek the coveted Deadlock invite on Moyens I/O. Embrace the digital crucible, where victory and defeat merge in a dance as old as time.

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