Microsoft HoloLens: the holographic headset that embeds the Oculus Rift and Gear VR 1

Microsoft HoloLens: the holographic headset that embeds the Oculus Rift and Gear VR

Microsoft did well at the Windows 10 conference, with new features made on all fronts. One of the strongest announcements was the announcement of the HoloLens helmet, a helmet that mixes Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality, a “hologram” helmet according to the company’s words. It would be the “interface of the future”.

Virtual reality headsets are in vogue this year, between the Oculus Rift made by the Facebook subsidiary, the Korean Samsung Gear VR, and the Mountain View giant’s Google CardBoard, here we are with Microsoft.

But this HoloLens is not like the others as it goes even further than its competitors. combining virtual reality and augmented reality. Simply put, this headset displays virtual items in your real environment, so items are taken from virtual reality and their “holographic” images are taken from augmented reality.

  • Also read: Relive Microsoft’s Windows 10 conference here!
uses of hololens

As you can see in the previous images, this can allow you to display a video on your wall or even anywhere, visualize any object or even have some kind of Minecraft appear in your living room, you are the one who sees it. Microsoft wants us to see life differently With HoloLens, it presents its headset as the interface of the future.

Sony Morpheus or the other competitors mentioned above offer closed helmets with a display system that allows you to see a specific virtual reality. HoloLens, on the other hand, has a completely different function. visor is transparent, it is an open helmet. This is what allows it to combine augmented reality and virtual reality.

here is the hololens helmet

This famous interface of the future based on reality to develop, enrich it in different ways. What this headset offers us is the presence of interaction and “modification” of reality or, in any case, the visual of reality. If the pictures are to be believed, you’ll be able to video call on Skype and display it at your dinner table just by wearing this headset, interacting and “editing” it.

Microsoft used its knowledge to create this helmet. Not a tethered helmet, but really a smart helmet with its own system. The Redmond company partially took over Kinect and put it on our heads, adding a Holographic Processing Unit computing and image chip, an imaging system, a WiFi connection, audio, and an array of sensors and cameras.

Weather in the kitchen with HoloLens

Microsoft strikes a blow with HoloLens and leaves all its competitors in the middle. This little onboard computer is completely self-contained and that’s what makes it powerful. You may be wondering Windows 10 running allbut a modified version called Windows Holographic.

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Like any new operating system or tool of its kind, you need software to take advantage of this new universe, for example SDKs for Android. For Windows Holographic, HoloStudio will be available directly with the HoloLense headset, this It will allow you to do 3D modeling.

motorcycle helmet hololense modeling

American site Wired got hold of this headset and told us more. With 120 degree width and height view, HoloLens can detect your arms even when at your side. A mix of Google Glass and Oculus Rift, we’ll find out more when Microsoft launches its product, according to the same site.

No release date has been announced in this regard, and the product is still in the prototype stage. Microsoft gives the most imprecise precision by stating that this is the case. HoloLens would be released during the lifetime of Windows 10, that is, for 10 years.. However, it will be available to developers next spring. A helmet that still looks like science fiction but promises to be very real.

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