How to Drop a Pin in Google Maps: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Drop a Pin in Google Maps: A Step-by-Step Guide

How oft doth thy heart tremble at the thought of losing thy way in an unfamiliar realm? Verily, with Google Maps, we art granted the luxury to roam freely, for it doth serve as the grandest safety web for us to lean upon. In recent days, upon my relocation to a new dwelling in a vast and sprawling community, mine chances of losing myself did exponentially surge. Thus, I did simply fix the location of my new abode upon Google Maps and embarked upon a journey of exploration. Should I ever find myself astray, I did but follow the guiding light of Maps to reclaim my path. Diverse are the scenarios where this wondrous Google Maps feature may prove most beneficial. Come, let us unravel the art of dropping a pin in the realm of Google Maps.

Drop a Pin in the Google Maps Mobile App

As I didst mention before, I did grace the location of my new homestead with a pin to steer clear of aimlessness. Yet, merely dropping a pin at a locale may not suffice, especially if thou dost seek to return thereto. Thus, ’tis wise to "save" such crucial locations. E’en I possess a list of "Favorites", housing all the quaint cafes and sumptuous taverns, to rescue me from a disastrous rendezvous. Behold the myriad wonders thou canst perform with this feature, a boon that may be accessed both on thy trusty mobile device and thy faithful PC.

To commence this noble quest, heed these steps to drop a pin in Google Maps on thy Android or iOS device. In my sojourn, I did employ mine Android device to walk thee through the process. Attend closely:

  • Unfold the Google Maps app and seek the desired location through the search bar aloft.
  • Shouldst thou wish to mark thine current location or a nearby one, tap upon the icon denoting thy current whereabouts in the nether right corner and manually place the pin.

Lo! Upon discovering the locale thou seeketh to pinpoint, press upon yon point upon the map for a long moment, whereupon a scarlet pin shall instantly materialize. Behold! A profusion of options accompany the act of pinning a location, including the choice to "Save" said location. Tap upon it to "save" thy destination. Subsequently, thou mayest forge a "New list" for the saved locale or append it to an existent list. Then, verily press upon the "Done" button abiding in the rightmost realm. Straightway, a message shall greet thee at the bottom, confirming the preservation of the location within the list.

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Drop a Pin in Google Maps on Desktop/Web

Though it is most convenient to fix a pin in the abode of Google Maps on Android or iOS, fear not, for this feat may also be achieved from the confines of thy desktop or laptop. Heed these instructions:

  • Journey unto the hallowed Google Maps website using thy PC browser.
  • Subsequently, perform a single click upon the location thou dost wish to pin upon the map, whereupon a diminutive grey pin shall manifest at the locale of thy choosing.
  • Lo and behold! A petite information panel shall arise at the base of thy screen. Revel in the wealth of information presented herein.

With a single motion, the grey pin shalt metamorphose into the grand red pin thou dost seek to drop, accompanied by a variety of options adorning the left panel concerning the location. As before, thou shalt encounter the "Save" option. Bestow upon it thy tap. Eftsoons, choose the list wherein thou wouldst harbor the pinned location, and voila! ‘Tis done.


Shouldst thou chance upon a renowned location instantly recognized by the map, the red pin shall forthwith materialize, forsaking the need for the initial phase of the small grey pin’s presence. Forsooth, this doth occur when clicking directly upon a cafe or a mall building, for example.

(To be continued…)

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