Twitter will offer a subscription for €2.99 per month so you can cancel your tweets 1

Twitter will offer a subscription for €2.99 per month so you can cancel your tweets

Twitter Fleet

We’ve been talking about this for a while: Twitter will become paid. Despite its several years of existence and undeniable popularity, the social network never managed to become profitable. Various solutions have been floated in recent months, such as paying a certain amount per month for an account or even simply subscribing to Twitter to gain access to exclusive content.

It seems to be this second option that is retained for now. According to researcher Jane Manchun Wong, Twitter plans to offer: $2.99 ​​monthly subscription, under the name “Twitter Blue”. Of course this subscription will unlock some features. Jane Manchun Wong shared two. Unfortunately, at least for now, there’s no point in hoping that you’ll be able to edit your tweets soon after sending them. On the other hand, it may be possible to cancel their submission in case of an error. or you will regret it when you press the button.

A subscription to cancel and save tweets

Other option available with subscription: Save tweets to “Collections”What Twitter defines as probability “To organize your favorite tweets so they can be easily found later”. That’s all we know about this subscription offer for now. Jane Manchun Wong thinks this is probably best offerand others will surely be offered by Twitter in the future.

No information has been disclosed regarding the price to be applied in other parts of the world, but at this price, Twitter will offer the same in euros. However, this needs to be confirmed as the social network has not yet made any official communication about the subscription project. However, this screenshot shared by Jane Manchun Wong may indicate that this thing will appear soon. To be continued.

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