Who hasn’t used Tinder, Grindr or the last Happn app? These dating practices unique to our connected years have “revolutionized” seduction for some. But thanks to them, it’s not so complicated find your location and therefore tracking your movements using several techniques. The dating app thus becomes the best tracking tool ever designed…
Admittedly, concerns about geolocation are not new, butthe arrival of the fully localized (most messaging apps have this feature by default), the general public overlooks the amount of information they more or less voluntarily leave out to a wide variety of publishers.
geographic location, the heart of a dating app experience (A resident in Lille doesn’t want to chat with Amandine from Marseille) to target lonely souls in the surrounding area, what we know less is how often the app checks our location.
In practice, the quoted apps largely use a “Brenda is 4 kilometers away from you” kind of formulation. But security researchers (Synack) explain that it has become possible to override certain functions of the dating fetish app. guess the exact location single (or not). And the method is not so original.
idea, so ask app three times for location spying on the chosen one from different locations. Thus, from a simple triangulation, it is possible to obtain the coordinates of the point where the three circles intersect. The researchers highlight the process used in Grindr, an app for gays, but the principle affects all apps in the genre.
A practical example is given by cross-checking a person’s different locations and trying to find the profile on social networks using check-ins of places visited. possible to associate profiles Tinder/Happn/Grindr to an account like Facebook.
- Also to read : Whatsapp Messenger or Viber, which is the most secure messaging app?
So classic Tinder and Android Wear or the latest Happn work similarly. If you are planning to flirt in these ways, now you know what to expect and you are far away. far from seduction in complete anonymity. Better to keep this little point in mind 😉 .