Like the VentureBeats report, you’ll now be able to test games from the Play Store without even having to install them. Ideal for the most storage-intensive games, without having to download up to several GBs of data, to assess whether the title interests you. Just press the button to enjoy To try From the game’s Play Store page that appears in compatible apps next to the button To organise.
Google Play Store: you don’t need to install the game to try it
You can already experience this feature yourself, it is normally available to all users. But for now, you need to find games that offer this trial offer and the selection is limited. cookie jam explosion and Looney Tunes Mayhem World eg affected. You have to go through the Android Play Store app to see the option appear, it’s not available on the website.
The other big advantage of being able to try a game this way is for paid games. Users can be sure that they will like the game before paying, and that way they can be less afraid of spending money in the store. All is well for developers offering quality games. Previously, you had to buy the game directly from the Play Store and request a refund in case of dissatisfaction, a procedure that many users prefer to avoid.
The technology to try a game without installing it was developed by the AppOnBoard company in collaboration with Google. It’s up to the game developers to decide what content the demo offers. Publishers interested in this feature can take advantage of a 30-day free trial, beyond which they must pay a monthly subscription.