Android: Smartphone malware attacks increased by 500% in Europe 1

Android: Smartphone malware attacks increased by 500% in Europe

Mobile malware attacks are on the rise in Europe. According to a new study by Proofpoint, since early February 2022, Malware attacks against smartphones increased by nearly 500%. But by the end of 2021, the number of attacks had dropped significantly.

Not all smartphones seem to be affected equally, as most smartphones target Android devices. under the influencemost of the malware has been observed on Android phonesHere are six of the most dangerous malware to target Google’s operating system, versus just one targeting iOS, according to Proofpoint researchers.

At stake is the more open nature of the Android market and ability to download apps from third-party app stores. This makes devices using Google’s operating system more vulnerable to less knowledgeable users. That’s why Apple recently announced that iOS is more secure than Android.

also read : This malware claims to film you watching porn, hacker demands 2400€ ransom!

What are the most common types of malware?

According to information from Proofpointcybercriminals try to send malicious SMS and apps to users to steal sensitive information, including passwords and bank details. For this reason, we can advise you not to click on links that you can only receive from foreigners via SMS.

Recently, new types of malware have appearedAccording to the report, these can record audio and video content, track smartphone owners’ location, and even completely wipe data from a device. Indeed, at the beginning of the year, we saw the BRATA malware that can wipe data from your smartphone and empty your bank account. Fake Android antiviruses in the Google Play Store can also steal your money.

Source: point of evidence

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