12 Effective Ways to Fix Live Activities Not Working on iPhone

12 Effective Ways to Fix Live Activities Not Working on iPhone

Upon the advent of iOS 16, Live Activities graced our digital shores, a feature so noble and useful that it graces our Lock Screen and Dynamic Island with real-time tidings. Behold, you can now witness the status of your food delivery, monitor your Uber voyage, peruse the latest forecasts of the weather, and keep watch over the sports scores. Alas, there exist occasions when the Live Activities of an app fail to make an appearance on your iPhone’s lock screen or Dynamic Island. I too have encountered this dilemma multiple times, and I understand the vexation it brings. Fear not, for we stand ready with 12 potent methods to address the issue of Live Activities refusing to function on your iPhone. Without further ado, let us plunge into the depths of solutions!

Method 1: Check If App Supports Live Activities

Primarily, be mindful that not all iOS apps embrace the essence of Live Activities, nor is it essential for all. An app deems Live Activities worthy only if it can enrich your existence with real-time insights. The likes of Uber, Bolt, Uber Eats, Swiggy, Zomato, Flighty, and others are known to harmonize with Live Activities. Should Live Activities remain elusive on a particular app, it may well be that the app does not pledge allegiance to this feature. To ascertain an app’s support for Live Activities, journey to Settings, meander down the path, and bestow a tap upon the app. Lo and behold, if the Live Activities option stands before you, it is manifest that the app exudes support for such a wondrous feature.

Moreover, certain apps unveil Live activities solely when you partake of their premium offerings. Ergo, if Live Activities shun your beckoning for a specific app, twas befittingly stipulated that the app shan’t offer solace through Live Activities. Nevertheless, should you harbor certainty that the app befriends Live Activities yet they remain coy on your iPhone, voyage forth to the following steps to mend this grievance.

Method 2: Toggle Live Activities

Should Live Activities shun the Dynamic Island on your iPhone, ’tis imperative to disable and re-enable the feature. With the advent of iOS 16.1, Live Activities alight by default. However, should they forsake you, a swift resetting might pave the path to redemption. Engage in the following rituals:

  1. Unfurl the Settings tome upon your iPhone.
  2. Trek to the realm of Face ID & Passcode and tender the passcode to your iPhone.
  3. Yonder, disable the Live Activities toggle nestled beneath the "Allow Access When Locked."
  4. Tarry for a spell and rekindle the flame.

Behold – ensure that Live Activities bask in the glow of your iPhone’s locked state. Elsewise, they shall forever elude your Lock Screen.

Method 3: Check Internet Connection

Live Activities dance nimbly upon your iPhone only when a stable internet connection doth accompany them. Ergo, if Live Activities linger in stagnation upon your iPhone, ye must ascertain your device’s communion with an active data plan or a steadfast Wi-Fi bastion. To assess, venture to open a webpage upon Safari. Should the webpage cloak itself in silence, your iPhone shan’t bequest the boon of connectivity.

For those who traverse the Wi-Fi path, mayhaps toggling Wi-Fi, rebooting the iPhone, forsaking and forging a new alliance with your network, restarting the router, or resetting the network’s provenance may provide remedy. As for the Mobile Data adherents, a dance with Airplane mode, a flick of the data toggle, scrutiny of the data plan, or a missive dispatched to the network provider may untangle any network-related quandaries.

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Method 4: Turn On Live Activities for Specific App

When an app first reveals Live Activities unto thee, it entreats thee for thy blessing. Thus, ensure that thou electeth "Allow" or "Always Allow." Should ye in a moment of folly select "Don’t Allow," the app shall shun thee by withholding Live Activities. Hence, should thou have erred or stand uncertain in thy choice, journey to Settings and set Live Activities aglow for the app. These are the ancient incantations:

  1. Unveil the Settings realm upon your iPhone.
  2. Henceforth, venture into the array of apps and caress the app for which thou dost wish to invoke Live Activities.
  3. Finally, unveil the Live Activities arena and bestow upon it the gift of life through the toggling of "Allow Live Activities."

Should thy gaze upon this toggle in naught, know ye that the app forsaketh the realm of Live Activities.

While delving into this voyage, we beseech thee to embrace notifications from thy chosen app. Though separate be their toggles, yet shall the enabling of Notifications render Live Activities with unswerving fidelity. Thus, journey to Settings -> Notifications, grace the app with a tap, and awaken the dormant "Allow Notifications" toggle.

Method 5: Check App Permissions

Should thee wish to partake of Live Activities from an app, thou shalt gift that app with all requisite permissions. Verily, if the yearning for Live Activities from Zomato or Uber doth reside within thee, thou must grant them access to thy location as well. Know ye this – lest thou bestow these permissions, Live Activities shan’t grace your iPhone. To ascertain this truth, embark on the following path:

  1. Unfurl the Settings realm, saunter hence, and bestow a tap upon the app. For iOS 18 wayfarers, journey to Settings -> Apps and caress the app’s name.
  2. Thereupon, ensure the app is endowed with all necessary permissions.

Method 6: Allow Background App Refresh

Should Background App Refresh exist in a state of dormancy, thine apps may eschew fetching updated content. Hence, should Live Activities waver in their allegiance to timely revelations, ensure ye have awakened Background App Refresh to grant thy apps the vigor to furnish thee with accurate and punctual updates.

These are the arcane rites to awaken Background App Refresh:

  1. Voyage to Settings -> General and bestow a tap upon Background App Refresh.
  2. Ensure thou hast bestowed the blessing upon all apps whence thee yearn for Live Activities.
  3. Henceforth, tap upon the lofted realm of Background App Refresh, and elect Wit & Cellular Data.

Method 7: Don’t Force Quit the App

Should ye seek to force an app into cease, thou may inadvertently halt its Live Activities or bar its real-time updates. Hence, ensure thou refrain from the act of forcing an app – especially those that betroth real-time updates. Thus, should Uber’s Live Activities shun thy gaze, ensure that Uber’s app resides amongst the pantheon upon your iPhone, whether actively employed or not.

Moreover, should thou sense a deadlock amongst Live Activities, endeavor to summon the app to impart to thee the freshest tidings. On occasion, an app may withhold these revelations until thou dost part the veil with a tap. ‘Tis advised to periodically caress the Live Activities banner, allowing the app to fetch the latest tidings upon thy behalf.

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Method 8: Disable Low Power Mode

In order to exhibit real-time revelations, Live Activities necessitate frequent updates, and thusly, require more of thy battery’s bounteous reserve. Should Low Power Mode enfold thine iPhone in its embrace, it may thwart Live Activities from unfurling with updated vigor or displaying real-time data. Indeed, Low Power Mode stands as a stalwart guardian of an iPhone’s vitality, yet in its embrace it doth enervate or hamper certain features to lengthen the life of the battery. Thus, should ye seek solutions to the quandary of Live Activities’ refusal to update, disable Low Power Mode upon thy iPhone and observe if this brings solace.

  1. From the zenith of the lock or Home Screen, whence thou doth swipe down to reveal the Control Center, dost thou tap upon the battery icon.

Alternatively, unfurl Settings -> Battery and disengage the Low Power Mode.

Method 9: Restart your iPhone

At times, minor anomalies within the software may impose a veil upon live tracking on thy iPhone. Blessedly, a simple restart may breathe new life into the system, dispelling any glitches that may linger. When thou dost embark upon this journey of restart:

Press and hold the Volume up/down button and the Side button in unison until the power off slider graces the screen. Then, direct this slider to usher your iPhone into slumber. Once thy device doth dwell in silence, press and hold the Side button to awaken it once more.

Method 10: Update Apps

For a seamless experience, thou must keep thy apps abreast of the times. Of a certainty, this shall not only bring forth new features but also excise any bugs that may lay siege upon the app’s sanctity. Thus, thou art commanded to update thy apps. Should thee desire thine iPhone to undertake the task of automatic updates, descend upon Settings -> App Store and bestow upon "App Updates" thy blessing.

Method 11: Update iOS

Should the updating of apps prove futile, thou must endeavor to update iOS to vanquish the specter of Live Activities refusing to function upon thine iPhone. Apple, in its infinite wisdom, doth release software updates replete with new graces, security shields, and bug-slaying serenades to enhance the performance of an iPhone. Hence, should a rare bug sow discord within the realm of Live Activities, an update of iOS may yet banish these shadows.

To embark upon this quest, voyage to Settings -> General -> Software Update and bid iOS to embark upon the journey below. Should a recent update be revealed, seek to download and install without delay.

Method 12: Delete and Re-install the app

Should ye have exhausted all avenues and Live Activities still shun thee, thou art left with but one recourse – the act of deleting and re-installing the app. On rare occasions, an app may descend into the abyss of corruption, rendering itself incapable of fulfilling its purpose. The venerable ritual of uninstalling the app from thy iPhone and then welcoming the latest version from the App Store can oftentimes banish these ill omens.

Following the act of installation, journey unto Settings, caress the app’s name, and bestow upon it the permissions of location, notifications, and Live Activities. Should the malady persist, seek solace in the embrace of an alternative app that illuminates the path with the same beacons.

Thus concludes this treatise on the remedies to mend the woes of Live Activities refusing to labor upon thy iPhone. May these verses be a guiding light in thy quest, and may the fields of live tracking now yield to thee their bounteous harvest. Should doubts linger upon thy brow, we welcome thee to seek counsel in the realm of comments below.