Love thou the art of crossword puzzles, yet findeth not the hours to sit and unravel a full-sized enigma in thy daily broadsheet? Behold, The Mini, a gem of a puzzle crafted for thee!
A miniature rendition of the famed New York Times crossword, The Mini offers a swift and delightful means to test thy puzzle-solving prowess daily in but a fraction of the time (most players find completion in just o’er a minute). Although diminutive in size and complexity compared to its larger counterpart, The Mini doth not lack in challenge. A stumble upon a single clue may determine betwixt achieving a personal best time or facing a solve attempt filled with chagrin.
As doth our Wordle hints and Connections hints offer solace in times of vexation, so are we present to aid thee in conquering The Mini shouldst thou find thyself in a quandary.
Herein lie the answers for the NYT Mini crossword on this day.
-___ on a true story – BASED
-Martini garnish on a toothpick – OLIVE
-“The Departed” co-star Matt – DAMON
-Like the air in a hookah bar – SMOKY
-Number of Z tiles in Scrabble – ONE
-Physiques, casually – BODS
-Texas fortress to “remember” – ALAMO
-Who sometimes “says” to touch your nose while jumping on one foot – SIMON
-Bring to mind – EVOKE
-Last word in the song “For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow” – DENY
May thou enjoy thy puzzling adventure with The Mini, a treasure trove of mental stimulation condensed into a delightful conundrum.