The line chat app has several security features that keep your account almost bulletproof. Although your Line account is not easily hacked, it is recommended to reset/update your password from time to time.
Changing the password in Line is quite simple, but you should know that you will not be able to see/check the password in case you forget it. If you want to transfer the account to a new smartphone, you will also need the Line password.
Keep reading to find out how.
Changing Password
Launch Line and tap the three horizontal dots to access the More menu. Press the gear icon in the top right to enter Settings and select Account.
Tap Password below your email address and provide fingerprint, face id or pattern lock password for your smartphone. Type your new password (between 6 and 20 characters), confirm it and press OK when finished.
When you’re done, a quick confirmation notification pops up in the same window. Since you cannot preview the password, it is recommended that you write it down or use a keychain tool that remembers the password for you.
Forgot Password?
It is easy to reset the line password in case you forget it. However, you must have a registered email address. To register your address, go to “Email registration” in the Account menu and write the full address in the specified field. After entering the code you will receive a confirmation code and a quick confirmation notification. Now, “Forgot your password?” You can continue with process.
Go to “Email registration” again. Here is the way for quick reference:
More (three dots) > Settings > Accounts > Email registration
Tap the email address, select “Forgot your password” and press OK to confirm. The line wizard will take you through the step-by-step password change process.
Note: You should be aware that this method may not work on some versions of Line.
What Happens When You Transfer Account?
If you forgot the password and want to transfer the account, you don’t have to worry. It’s easy to set up the account on a different device without your password. And again, you need a registered email for this to work.
When you start the transfer, tap Start, type your phone number and press the arrow to continue. You will receive an SMS with a verification code, write this code in the specified field and select “Yes, this is my account” to confirm.
“Forgot your password?” Select the option. Type the registered e-mail address in the window below. You will receive an email with a link and instructions on how to set a new password.
Quick Reminder
The option “Yes, transfer my account” may appear during the setup process. Tap on it and select “Sign in with previous email address” or “Sign in with previous number”. You will then be asked to provide the required registration information.
Troubleshooting Password Retrieval Emails
There are several reasons why you might be having trouble getting a password email. The first line of defense is to check if you entered the correct email and if you entered it correctly. Sometimes email can end up as Spam or Junk, so you should check those folders as well.
Fly: Make sure to add to the list of domains you can receive email from.
Whatever the reason (transfer or forgot password), you can only request the receive email once or twice per 24 hours. And the email address must comply with RFC standards. For example, emails that begin with a hyphen or a period before @ are not eligible.
Cheat: Connect your Facebook account to Line. This way, you can use Facebook to transfer Line account to a new device.
Can You Reset Line Phone Number?
Unfortunately, there is no way to reset the Line phone number. To use a different number, you need to uninstall the app and then reinstall it. This action will delete your chat history, so you may want to back up important chats first. After reinstalling the application, use the Line User Login to return to your account.
All Kits for Line Password Reset
Password reset on Line is similar to other chat apps. And as long as you use a registered email you shouldn’t have any problems. But how often do you reset the password in Line and why? For better security or because you forgot the password? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.