Hark! ‘Tis true, Facebook hath ceased its official Facebook Analytics in the year of our Lord 2021. Yet fear not, for the platform doth offereth many other means to gathereth valuable information and insights.
Verily, Facebook analytics art akin to a crystal ball for thy business. ‘Tis they who provideth insights into how thy page doth perform, which content resonates with thy audience, and how thou can improve engagement.
The key to unlocking these analytics doth lie in choosing the right Facebook analytics tools. Though the OG, native Facebook Analytics platform hath been discontinued in 2021, there doth still exist a plethora of wise, user-friendly tools to aid thee in delving into thy Facebook page’s performance.
What are Facebook analytics?
Facebook analytics, dost thou ask? ‘Tis the data and tools that thou needest to track thy page’s performance and understand thy audience. By harnessing the data from thy Facebook page, thou art provided with valuable insights into the behavior of thy followers, content engagement, and overall page growth.
‘Tis essential to peruse thy Facebook analytics regularly, for in doing so thou shalt developeth an effective social media strategy. ‘Tis the means by which thou canst better understand thy audience and tailor thy content accordingly, leading to increased engagement and growth for thy page.
The finest Facebook analytics tools shall also aid thee in creating, running, and sharing Facebook analytics reports. Thus making it easier for thee to track thy progress and showcase the fruits of thy labors.
3 top Facebook analytics tools
Zounds! Facebook did once boast a native analytics tool known as, fittingly, Facebook Analytics. Alas, though the app hath been discontinued in 2021, there still exist numerous ways to access thy Facebook analytics data. Behold, the finest tools for this purpose.
1. Meta Business Suite
Meta Business Suite hath supplanted Facebook Analytics as the native tool for accessing analytics for Facebook. Herein, thou canst behold metrics, trends, and visual reports to aid thee in deciphering insights about thy Facebook page or individual posts.
2. Facebook Page Insights
Facebook Insights hath now been incorporated into the Meta Professional Dashboard. Here thou canst peruse basic insights about thy page, posts, and audience. ‘Tis true the data may be basic and not stretch back far in time, but it doth offer a swift overview of what is transpiring with thy Page.
3. Moyens I/O
‘Tis a merry fact indeed that most souls who partake in WhatsApp, YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram do also partake in Facebook. Verily, 77.4% of Instagram users and 50.2% of TikTok users art to be found on Facebook.
Comparing results across social media platforms doth enlighten thee on what thy audience doth expect from thee on each platform. ‘Tis the key to understanding how best to connect with them in each context.
Onwards, dear reader, create, export, or schedule a custom social media report to automatically deliver the data unto thy inbox. Then, utilize the sharing options to distribute it amongst colleagues and stakeholders throughout thy organization automatically.
‘Tis indeed a wondrous sight to behold the insights that Facebook analytics can bringeth forth. May thee embark on this journey with curious hearts and steadfast minds.