iPhone 6s Problems: 5 Things You Should Know 1

iPhone 6s Problems: 5 Things You Should Know

iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus problems continue to bother many users in iOS 9 and iOS 10.

iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus are currently running iOS 10.3.1, and many users are having issues with the latest version of iOS 10.

iPhone 6s users using older versions of iOS 10 and iOS 9 are also having problems with their software. Help is on the way, but some of you may not be waiting for Apple and the next iOS update.

Today we want to take a look at iPhone 6s issues and provide some resources for those of you who are having trouble.

We also want to make sure you are future-proofed in case you run into a problem with your phone.

iPhone 6s Problems

We keep hearing about iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus issues as we head into 2017.

iPhone 6s iCloud Restore issues are among the most common iPhone 6s issues and are a headache for new iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus users.

Users are reporting long restore times that seem to take forever. Fortunately, the process won’t actually take forever, and we’ve found a potential fix to try.

If you are facing an iPhone 6s iCloud restore issue, you will want to set up your phone as new, install the iOS 10 update, select restore, then restore from iCloud.

One more note. If you are having trouble activating your new iPhone 6s, try restarting the device or try another connection.

We’ve been hearing complaints about iOS 10 downloads getting stuck during the installation process. If this happens during your install, you’ll want to press and hold the power button and home button at the same time. The phone will reboot and the download should proceed properly.

iPhone 6s problems go beyond activation issues, iCloud restore issues, and software update installation issues.

iPhone 6s Problems: 5 Things You Should Know 4

iPhone 6s users complain about Slide to Update issues (you can find a fix for it here), issues with iMessages, overheating issues, abnormal battery drain, Wi-Fi issues, Bluetooth issues, random reboots, UI lag and much more they do. more.

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Apple’s discussion forums continue to be filled with complaints about the iPhone 6s, and we expect more complaints to surface throughout the year as Apple releases new software for older flagship smartphones.

If this is your first iPhone or you’re planning to install a new iOS update, you’ll want to take a look at our to-do list and our reasons for installing and not installing the latest version before installing an iOS update. iOS update.

You’ll also want to take a look at the first iPhone 6s settings to change.

How To Fix iPhone 6s Issues

If you’re having issues with your iPhone 6s, there’s no need to panic.

We continue to update our list of fixes for common iOS 9 issues and iOS 10 issues, and they’re great places to start if you run into a software-related issue with your device.

These fixes include ways to improve iOS 9 battery life, iOS 10 battery life, fix poor Wi-Fi connection, Bluetooth issues, and more.

We’ve also put together some ways to improve the performance of iOS 10 on your iPhone 6s or iPhone 6s Plus. If you notice lags or random freezes, start there.

It should also be noted that some iOS-related problems will disappear after a few days. For example, battery life tends to settle down after a few days with a new device or iOS update.

If your iPhone 6s problems persist after a few days, then you will need to take action.

How to Drop

If an iOS update on iPhone 6s or iPhone 6s Plus doesn’t meet your standards, you can downgrade to an older version of iOS. For a limited time.

Apple does not log out any iPhone 6s or iPhone 6s Plus iOS update, so you don’t have that option at the moment.

iPhone 6s Problems: 5 Things You Should Know 5

The company usually signs updates a week or two older before pulling the cord. Once that happens, the downgrade gap will be closed and no matter what version of iOS you are using.

We’ve put together a step-by-step guide to walk you through the downgrade process when it reopens.

We strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with it now so that you can take advantage of this space in the future should you need it.

Additional resources

If your needs go beyond our fix list or downgrade process, know that you have loads of resources at your disposal.

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If you need a fix, advice or feedback on the new iPhone 6s iOS updates, Apple’s discussion forums.

A great resource for iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s issues. Bookmark it for future use.

We also found MacRumors community to be a great resource, so it’s in your best interest to drop by there as well.

Social media sites like Twitter are also places to look for fixes and advice regarding iPhone 6s related issues. Don’t be afraid to ask questions.

Your last line of defense will be Apple itself. Company runs an active Apple Support account It’s on Twitter and worth a try if you have a problem.

If you can’t fix your iPhone 6s problem on your own, you’ll want to make an appointment to see a Genius at an Apple Store.

They can run diagnostics you can’t do at home and you can get a new phone if you’re under warranty.

what’s next

Apple’s next update for the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus will be the iOS 10.3. The update is currently in beta but does not have a general release date. We expect it to be published soon.

If you can’t fix your iPhone 6s problems on your own, be careful. It should include some bug fixes for persistent iOS 10 issues.

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