Restore Battery Percentage on Android 10 1

Restore Battery Percentage on Android 10

Android 10 brought some visual changes to the status bar and quick settings panel; one of them is the battery percentage disappearing from the top of the quick settings panel. Now the phone shows an estimated time that your phone will survive without needing another charge. However, there are two workarounds you can do to get back the battery percentage in your status bar or quick settings and we will explain both of these methods so that you know the exact battery percentage remaining on your smartphone.

How to Restore Battery Percentage in Status Bar

1. Open the Settings app of your phone running Android 10 and battery episode.

2. Inside the battery settings, you will find a toggle named battery percentage this will allow you to see the battery percentage in the status bar.

3. When you toggle the button, you will see the remaining battery percentage in the status bar in the upper right corner of your phone.

Restore Battery Percentage in Quick Settings

If you are not a fan of permanent battery percentage in status bar, you can follow below steps to enable battery percentage in quick settings panel.

1. Open your phone’s Settings app and “Health” in the search bar located at the top of the application.

2. Tap “Device Health Services” from the search results. You will now be taken to the app’s settings page.

Restore Battery Percentage on Android 10

3. Tap the Disable button and restart your phone. After reboot, you will see good old battery percentage in quick settings panel.

Take a look at the comparison of the quick settings panel with and without battery percentage in the images above.

So, these are the two methods to restore the battery percentage on your Android smartphone running Android 10. Let us know if you found this helpful in the comments.

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