Sideloading Apps on iPhone (No Jailbreak) in iOS 10 1

Sideloading Apps on iPhone (No Jailbreak) in iOS 10

iOS has never been an “open” operating system. There are a number of limitations that Apple has placed on iOS, and without jailbreak you can’t really install apps from outside the App Store. But all that changed when Apple released Xcode 7. Apple wanted to allow developers to test their apps on their own devices without paying an annual fee of $99 for a developer account. So they let developers use Xcode to install their apps on an iOS device. In this article, we’ll tell you how you can use it to install it pretty much. none app on your iPhone or iPad without having to jailbreak.

note: This method only works for apps with source code available. Source codes of apps like f.lux and GBA4iOS are available on GitHub and Bitbucket etc. You can Google the source code of the application you want to check if you can use this method.

Tool We Use: Xcode 8

Xcode is the official development environment for iOS apps. We will use Xcode 8 to install apps on an iPhone running iOS 10. If you don’t already have Xcode on your Mac, you can download it from: app storeor directly Apple. Xcode 8 supports SDKs for iOS 10, so we cannot use older versions. If you don’t know what an “SDK” is, don’t worry about it.

note: If you’re a beta tester for iOS and your iPhone has a version higher than iOS 10.0, you’ll need to install Xcode 8 Beta. Xcode 8 only supports devices up to iOS 10. We will demonstrate this on an iPhone 6S running iOS 10.0 using Xcode 8.

Once you’ve downloaded Xcode on your Mac, you’re almost ready to get started.

Sideloading Apps in iOS 10

Before we start sideloading the app, we will need the source code for it. i will try f.lux on my iPhone. By default, f.lux app is only available for jailbroken devices, but you can use this method to get it on your iPhone as well.

To install the f.lux app on your iPhone, simply follow the steps below:

note: I’ll walk you through this step-by-step so you can understand what to do even if you’ve never used Xcode before. Users familiar with the basics of Xcode, feel free to review these steps.

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1. First go to GitHub warehouse for f.luxand click on the link that says “1 version“.

2. Download source code From the link for f.lux.

2-download stream-source code

3. On your Mac, open file You downloaded to get the f.lux project folder. Now launch Xcode 8 on your Mac and click “Open Another Project“.

3-open-xcode-and-open another project

4. Open the folder you opened, select the file that says “.iflux.xcodeproj” and click “Open”.


5. Xcode will load the project for you. click “iflux project” in the left sidebar.

5-click-iflux project

6. You will need to change a few settings to install the app on your iPhone. Firstly, “Xcode -> Preferences” and click on “Accounts” tab. you will need to add your Apple ID here. you can simply click the plus icon at the bottom of the screen and add your Apple ID. It doesn’t need to be a developer ID, you can use your free Apple ID as well.


7. After doing this, you will need to change a few settings for the Xcode project. First, change the value next to “Bundle Identifier” and make it anything that looks unique and similar In my case, I replaced “xyz” with my name.


8. Then, a “Development Team” for the project. Click the drop-down box next to “Development Team” and click “Your name (personal team)“.


9. You are ready to install f.lux on your iPhone. simply Connect your iPhone to your Mac. Then go to “Product -> Target” and select your iPhone from the list.


10. Click now “To run” button in Xcode. Xcode will then start compiling the app for your iPhone. If you get warnings (yellow triangles), don’t worry about them.

10-click-to-play button

11. Xcode will warn you with an error saying you should trust the developer on iPhone. on your iPhone “Settings -> General -> Profiles and Device Management“.


12. Tap the entry below “Developer App”, and tap on “Confidence”.

12-confidence builder

13. You can now go to your home screen and search for f.lux. Tap the app to launch it and it will run!

sideloading apps on iphone flux

You can use this method to install any application for which you have access to the source code. Many apps make their source code available so users can easily sideload them even if their iPhone isn’t jailbroken. Some applications that make their source code available are:

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GBA4iOS: Gameboy Emulator for iOS Devices.

Postal Manager: Post/schedule Twitter posts like Buffer, includes a Share Extension

kodi: A popular media player and entertainment hub

There are many open source apps available for iOS. You can do check out the whole list on GitHub.

SEE ALSO: 10 Essential iPhone Apps You Should Install

Easily Sideload iOS Apps on iPhone or iPad

Now that you know how you can use Xcode 8 to sideload iOS apps on your non-jailbroken iPhone or iPad running iOS 10, you should go ahead and search online for the source code of your favorite apps. As always, if you run into any issues with this method, let us know in the comments section below.