How to Upgrade to iOS 5? 1

How to Upgrade to iOS 5?

Apple’s latest mobile operating system, iOS 5, is available for download today. iOS 5 brings a host of new features to older iPhones, iPod Touches and iPads.

There are over 200 new iOS 5 features that will change the way you use your iOS device. If you have an older iPhone, iOS 5 will help you prepare to upgrade to iPhone 4S or use an older phone for another year.

Apple has made the upgrade process pretty simple. If you haven’t already, you should make sure to prepare your iPhone for iOS 5.

Once you start the iOS 5 upgrade process, you shouldn’t stop. Generally, when software is available, the upgrade process is slower due to the large number of people updating. If you’re updating your iPhone, make sure you can stay without it for the duration of the upgrade.

iOS 5 is a free upgrade and works on iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPod Touch 3rd generation, iPod Touch 4th generation, iPad and iPad 2.

Prepare for iOS 5

If you haven’t read it yet, I suggest you take a quick look at the list, but we’ll cover the basic steps below.

The first thing you should do is update iTunes. You can do this by selecting Check for Updates in the app or by downloading iTunes 10.5 directly from Apple.

Follow the prompts to update iTunes to the latest version. This takes 5-10 minutes after the file is downloaded.

– Back up your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad to your computer. To do this, plug it in with a USB cable and let the device make a backup. If it’s not backing up automatically, you can right-click the device name on the left side of iTunes and choose to backup. If you are migrating to a new computer, be sure to transfer purchases to the computer for easy synchronization.

Now that you’re ready, here’s how to upgrade to iOS 5.

1. In the iTunes sidebar.

2. This will open in the right hand area as shown below.

How to upgrade to iOS 5

Click Check for Update to Upgrade to iOS 5.

3. Click the button in the middle of your screen.

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4. iTunes now . This may take some time. Do not leave your computer or exit iTunes until the iOS 5 upgrade is complete.

5. Once the update is complete, your device will reboot and you will be prompted to sign in with your Apple ID. If necessary, you can sync with iTunes to bring back your apps and data.

6. Otherwise, you will have to suffer the painful one.

That’s all you have to do. We will show you how to use iOS 5 soon, for now learn how to use Notification Center in iOS 5.

While upgrading to iOS 5, you can watch Apple’s iOS 5 overview video to see what you can expect in the latest iPhone and iPad software.

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