How to Set Password on iPhone 5's Lock Screen 1

How to Set Password on iPhone 5’s Lock Screen

For security purposes, it’s a good idea to set a Password on the Lock Screen for any iOS device such as the Apple iPhone 5 or iPad, previous iPhones and iPod Touch.

This requires the user to enter the Passcode to access the contents of the iPhone. Without the password, no one can access the private data on the phone.

Why bother setting a Passcode on iPhone’s Lock Screen?

Let’s say I accidentally drop my iPhone at work, and one of my co-workers wants to prank me by messing up the settings or embarrassing me by changing the name that Siri calls me. The lock is preventing that prankster from getting the most out of me. Obviously, it also prevents the bad guys from getting my banking information or passwords stored in apps like Lastpass password manager.

How to Set Password Lock on iPhone 5

The steps to set Password on Lock Screen are as follows:

Let’s look at the steps in detail.

general tap

Open the Settings app, which looks like a black set of gear. Go to Apple’s set by default and scroll down a bit.

password lock

Tap the option and it shows the screen below. Tap the top option that reads.

unlock password

Password Lock will open and prompt the user to enter a new four-digit Simple Password. Choose something that’s easy to remember, but not something like a phone number or four digits in a street address. People who know the owner or have access to their personal information can guess simple codes like this. Choose a random combination of numbers.

enter password

Turning it off forces the user to set a more complex Password. The user can select numbers and letters, making it less likely for pranksters or criminals to guess the code.

turn off simple password

After the user set it, the following screen is displayed. Enter a complex password. Again, don’t choose passwords that are easy to guess, such as dictionary words. I like to use meaningless words that I can pronounce along with a number or two to make it more complicated.

enter complex password

Now turn off the screen by pressing the power button or wait for the auto-lock time to expire. From then on, when the user opens the screen, the Password screen forces the user to enter the code (see first image above).

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Allow access while locked options

Some of the options to consider are: