How to Make Your Own 3D Touch Quick Actions on iPhone 1

How to Make Your Own 3D Touch Quick Actions on iPhone

One of the great features on the iPhone 6s is 3D Touch. Here’s how to create your own 3D Touch Quick Actions on a jailbroken iPhone.

3D Touch is probably one of the coolest features on the iPhone 6s, allowing you to do more with your iPhone. Essentially, 3D Touch lets you press harder on the screen to activate alternative actions and the like. So you can tap something to select it or press harder to bring up the shortcuts.

You can also use 3D Touch to “Peek” and “Pop” inside iPhone apps that support the feature, so you can preview something without actually opening it completely.

It’s an iPhone 6s-exclusive feature, but it’s really easy to emulate on older iPhones with a jailbreak tweak that allows more iOS devices to somehow have 3D Touch.

However, whether you have an iPhone 6s or an older iPhone with 3D Touch features added, there is a way to extend 3D Touch in more ways thanks to a new jailbreak tweak that lets you create your own 3D Touch Quick Action shortcuts. main monitor.

before you start

First, you’ll need a jailbroken iPhone to create your own Quick Actions. Currently, you can jailbreak any iPhone running iOS 9.0, but unfortunately iOS 9.1 is not currently jailbreakable. So, if you’re using iOS 9.1, you’ll have to wait for a jailbreak to be released for this version of iOS.

Also, the jailbreak tweak we’ll be using to create our own 3D Touch Quick Action shortcuts is called Traverse, and there’s a bit of a learning curve in knowing how to use it. Most jailbreakers can navigate the tweak and create new shortcuts quite easily, but not everyone may be able to follow it that easily, which is why I’ve put together this guide.


Note that this method is not as easy as downloading a tweak and ticking a few checkboxes. A little more in depth than that. However, once you understand it, the benefits can be insurmountable.

Creating Your Own 3D Touch Quick Action Shortcuts

First, you will need to download the Traverse jailbreak tweak available on Cydia. You will need to add a repo first though. To do this, tap the tab at the bottom and then select Edit. Tap Add on the next screen and enter the URL: .

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Let Cydia reinstall and then search for Traverse jailbreak tweak. Once installed, it will be available for access within the app.

Even though the tweak has already received a few updates, it may still be problematic for you, so be aware of any issues you encounter and of course do so at your own risk.

Once you open Traverse from Settings, go ahead and tap on it and then tap the icon in the top left corner to start creating your custom 3D Touch Quick Action.


From here you need to enter a Title, Subtitle, Bundle ID and a URL Scheme. Header and Subtitle can be whatever you want, but Bundle ID and URL Scheme are two important text boxes.


In this tutorial, we will create a 3D Touch Quick Action to search YouTube. First, we will need the Bundle ID for the YouTube app. You can download BundleIDs jailbreak from Cydia to find Bundle IDs for Apps; this will allow you to search for any app and give you bundle id for that app. Bundle ID for YouTube.

For URL Scheme, it’s essentially a URL that tells the Quick Action what to do. We will use it for YouTube. Doing a Google search to find URL schemes for other processes and other apps will usually get you in the right direction. There’s even a thread on the StackOverflow list All known URL Schemes in the Settings app.

Below the URL Scheme text box is the icon you want to appear next to the Quick Action. Choose for it, but you can really use any icon you want.


After that, select and then press . Swipe to Refresh until you see the new Quick Action you’ve created. You may need to restart your iPhone and open and close the settings menu until the action actually shows up in the list. Again, it’s a bit of a hassle but it works.

From there, you can close Traverse and start using your new 3D Touch Quick Action on your iPhone.

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