How to Make Money with Your iPhone 1

How to Make Money with Your iPhone

There are many iPhone apps that can earn you money, but what about apps that can make you money? Here’s how to make money with your iPhone.

First off, this isn’t one of those ads I talked about how you can make money doing practically nothing as long as you have an iPhone. Making money with your iPhone takes some effort, but if you have free time after work or are bored on a Saturday, these are great ways to make some extra cash.

When you think about how you can make money with your iPhone, all you can think of is to sell the iPhone to make some money for it, but don’t be so hard on it. Instead, you can make money with a handful of apps available for the iPhone.

Again, these are by no means “get-rich-quick schemes”, but with some time and effort, these iPhone apps can get you some extra cash in your pocket for a rainy day.

Without further ado, here’s how you can make money using your iPhone.

Sell ​​Your Old Stuff

Using only your iPhone, eBay app Taking pictures and selling your old stuff to earn some money.

The eBay app lets you easily sell anything right from your iPhone. Just create an eBay account, create a new listing, take a photo of the item with your iPhone, enter some details about the item, and then submit it for sale on eBay. From there, people will bid, buy, and then ship the product to them quickly and easily.

It’s a really convenient app to do, and when I’m bored on the weekends, I go to my old stuff, take pictures of it, and post it on eBay directly on my iPhone.

Earn Beer Money

If you’ve never heard of the term “beer money”, it’s actually small amounts of money you earn on the one hand, giving you enough money to buy beer or whatever else you want. Not a lot of money, of course, but enough so that you can enjoy the smaller things in life.

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an app called Swagbucks It allows you to earn gift cards to various stores by watching videos, searching the web, answering surveys and more.

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Watching a short video can earn you 10 Swagbucks, and once you’ve accumulated enough Swagbucks, you can exchange those points for gift cards for $5 gift cards worth 500 Swagbucks. However, it may take some time to save up enough Swagbucks to get a gift card, and breaking the hourly rate probably doesn’t look very good, but you can spend your free time on the app and earn money. you are bored.


Another similar app shoptakes a slightly more hands-on approach, as you earn points for entering stores and scanning products with the iPhone’s camera within the app. In fact, you don’t need to buy anything to earn points.

Once you’ve earned enough points on Shopkick, you can exchange them for gift cards, just like at Swagbucks.

Get Vegas Coupons

Many iPhone games don’t give you free stuff for playing the game. In fact, many iPhone games like to take your money. Again, MyVegas Slots It’s a free iPhone game that lets you win coupons that you can use at many hotels and casinos in Las Vegas.

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All you do in the game is play slot machines and when you win, you earn chips. These vouchers can then be redeemed for various coupons you can redeem in Las Vegas, such as a free drink, free meal at the buffet, free show tickets, or even a free night at a hotel on The Strip.

It definitely takes a lot of time to play and earn enough chips to get a coupon. I played the game open for a few months and finally got enough chips to win a free night at a mediocre hotel outside The Strip.

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