Kodi, formerly known as XBMC, is a very popular open source media center loved and preferred by a large number of people. This is probably due to the large number of addons and customization options Kodi offers. kodi is is It’s available for iOS but not officially available on the Apple App Store. While jailbroken iPhone and iPad users can easily install Kodi from their repositories, there are ways to install Kodi on iOS without jailbreak. Ways to install Kodi on iPhone or iPad without jailbreak:
Method 1: Using Xcode
The first method to install Kodi on your iPhone or iPad without having to jailbreak it is to use this elegant Xcode trick that allows users to install third-party apps from unidentified developers. To do this, you will need:
- iOS App Signer (download)
- A Mac running the latest version of macOS
- Latest version of Xcode from App Store (download)
- A Kodi debt file (download)
When you have all this, just follow the steps given below To install Kodi on iOS 10:
- start XcodeClick and “Create New Project“.
- When you see the main Xcode interface, “iOS”, and click onSingle View Application“. Next, “Next“.
- Add a “Name of the product“, and one “Organization Identifier“I will use it for this guide”KodiApp” as the product name and “in.akshaygangwar“, as the organization identifier. Then, “Next“.
- Choose a location to save the projectClick and “To create“.
- In the interface that opens, click on it. Dropdown next to “Team”Select and choose your name from the list.
- Connect your iPhone or iPad to your Mac using a USB cable and select from the list of devices It shows at the top in Xcode.
- Next, Launch iOS App Signer you downloaded. Click “Search“, and Select the Kodi deb file Also in the Signing Certificate and Provisioning Profile drop-downs you downloaded earlier, choose your details. Next, “Start“.
- You will be asked for one location to save the output file, aspect. Select where you want the file to be saved and click “save“. iOS App Signer will then work in a few steps.
- When the iOS App Signer is finished, back to Xcode. Here, “window” in the menu bar and click on “Devices“.
- Here, “+under the ” button.Installed Applications” section. select IPA file The iOS App Signer will have exported.
- Xcode will then show your iPhone as busy for a while. Installs Kodi on your device. Once complete, it will show Kodi in the list of installed devices and you will be able to see it on your iPhone’s home screen as well.
Before launching Kodi on your iOS device, you need to trust the certificate on your iPhone. To do this, follow the steps given below:
- go Settings -> General -> Device Management.
- Here, tap the entry under “.Developer AppTap ” and then “Confidence“.
You will then be able to launch Kodi on your iPhone and enjoy the full power of the XBMC app on your non-jailbroken iPhone.
note: If you’re using a non-developer Apple ID (i.e. you didn’t pay the $99 developer fee), you’ll need to reinstall the app from Xcode every 7 days. However, if you sideload the app with a developer Apple ID, you can use the app for a year before you have to reinstall it.
Method 2: Using BuildStore
While the first method was completely free, it required quite a bit of work to install an app on an unjailbroken iPhone. So if you are looking for a much easier way to do this, even by paying money, you can use BuildStore.
BuildStore is a website that allows users to easily install apps on their non-jailbroken iPhones. However, you have to Pay $9.99/year to access the service.
Installing an app from the BuildStore is pretty simple. you just Go to BuildStore Web site, search app you want to install and Tap Install. The app will then be installed on your iPhone.
To start it you will need to trust the developer certificate On your iPhone, just like you did after installing the app via Xcode.
SEE ALSO: How to Customize iPhone Home Screen (No Jailbreak)
Use These Methods to Install Kodi on iPhone or iPad Without Jailbreak
With any of these methods, you can install apps on your iPhone 7 or 7 Plus without having to jailbreak it. a lots of apps that you can sideload using Xcode. The BuildStore method is much easier than using Xcode, but you have to pay $9.99 each year to continue using the service. Also, BuildStore only allows you to register one device. So if you want to use the service on more than one device, you’ll have to pay for each one if you’re using multiple Apple devices that you want to run, which can add up a lot quickly. these apps are open. As always, feel free to share your thoughts on the methods we’ve discussed, and if you know of any other, easier way to install jailbroken apps on a non-jailbroken iPhone, let us know in the comments section below.