How to Install iOS 8.4 1

How to Install iOS 8.4

We’ll show you how to install iOS 8.4 on iPhone, iPad and iPod touch so you can use Apple Music and other new iOS 8.4 update features. Plan to spend at least 20 minutes upgrading from iOS 8.3 to iOS 8.4 or whatever version of iOS you’re on. We’ll also go over what you need to do before tapping Download to install the iOS 8.4 update.

Apple’s version of iOS 8.4 brings Apple Music to the masses, but that’s not all this new version of iPhone and iPad software has to offer. If you still have iOS 8.3 issues or other iPhone and iPad software issues, you can find a fix for various bug improvements that Apple has included with this update.

Here’s how you can update to iOS 8.4 so you don’t have to look for a red update notification in the Settings app. With this guide, you can update to iOS 8.4 in time even if you don’t see the update notification yet.

The iOS 8.4 update is free to install and includes access to a free three-month trial of Apple Music. Users don’t need huge amount of free space to install iOS 8.4 update on iPhone and iPad. If you want to try the best of Apple Music, you need to install iOS 8.4. This is available for any device running iOS 8; that means iPhone 4 can’t use this new app.

Learn what you need to know about installing iOS 8.4 on iPhone or iPad.

If you choose to use this method, make sure your iPhone or iPad has at least 50% charge and is connected to WiFi or your computer. You cannot download iOS updates over a cellular connection.

The iOS 8.4 update arrives today at 11:00 AM East / 8:00 AM Pacific. Here are the steps you need to do to install the iOS 8.4 update.

iOS 8.4 Update Guide

It is important to back up your iPhone or iPad before installing the iOS 8.4 update. This can be to iCloud or to a local computer. While the chances of something going wrong are small, it’s better to have an up-to-date backup.

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It’s also a good idea to install the iOS 8.4 update at home or at work, not in the car or cafe. Setup takes a while, and if something goes wrong, it’s much easier to fix when you’re on a computer or home base.

How Long Does the iOS 8.4 Update Take?

One of the questions we hear most often is, “How long will the iOS 8.4 update take?” There are several factors at play here, but we expect it to take 15 to 30 minutes for most users.

With the additional hype surrounding Apple Music and the first Beats1 radio broadcast coming an hour after the iOS 8.4 release date, there may be more people than usual trying to download iOS 8.4 right away.

This can result in slower download times causing the iOS 8.4 update process to take longer. It can also lead to iOS 8.4 install issues or iOS 8.4 download issues, so be patient if you run into any issues.

How to Install iOS 8.4

Installing the iOS 8.4 update takes a few taps and is just as easy for iOS 8.4 beta users who want to upgrade to the latest version with Apple Music.

You don’t need a computer to install the iOS 8.4 update, but you will need to make sure you’re connected to WiFi. If you’re not at home or at work and still feel the need to install it, you can connect to a personal hotspot on another phone; iPhone uses this WiFi connection to download the update.

How to install iOS 8.4 from your iPhone or iPad?

How to install iOS 8.4 from your iPhone or iPad?

Even if you don’t see the little red notification in the Settings app, you can use these instructions to upgrade to iOS 8.4 as soon as it’s available. Again, this won’t be until 11am East, 8am Pacific.

  1. Tap Settings on iPhone or iPad.
  2. Tap on General.
  3. Tap on Software Update.
  4. Tap on Learn More to see more about this update.
  5. Or, tap on Download and Install to get started.
  6. Enter your password.
  7. Double accept the terms and conditions.
  8. Wait for the iOS 8.4 download to complete.
  9. Tap Install when prompted.

During this process, the iPhone will reboot twice to install the iOS 8.4 update. You will need to re-enter your password after completion. Now go through the rest of the setup, which may ask you to confirm FaceTime and iMessage numbers, set up Apple Pay, or sign up for an Apple Music trial.

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Once this is complete, iPhone will take you to your home screen and the iOS 8.4 update is complete and ready to go.

How to Install iOS 8.4 on iTunes

Users unable to upgrade with an iOS 8.4 download can choose to use iTunes on Mac or PC to upgrade to iOS 8.4. This is useful if you have very little free space on your iPhone or iPad.

To do this, you will need a USB cable to connect your iPhone or iPad to the computer and an Internet connection. The iPhone still needs a decent charge for this to work.

Connect your iPhone to computer and open iTunes if it is not already open. In iTunes, you may receive a notification about the iOS 8.4 update with a Download and Update button. If not, you will need to follow these guidelines.

  1. Click the iPhone or iPad icon in the top left.
  2. Click Check for Update.
  3. Click Download and Update.
  4. Accept the terms and conditions.
  5. Enter your password when required.

Wait for the iOS 8.4 update to download and install on your iPhone or iPad. You will then need to enter your password and continue with the setup options mentioned above.

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