How to Enable New Material Design Theme in Chrome on Windows 1

How to Enable New Material Design Theme in Chrome on Windows

Since the release of Android P, it is clear that Google has redesigned all its software products. Known as “Material Design 2,” the new design focuses on rounded edges with large white spaces, making the design look cleaner and more approachable. We’ve recently seen leaks about how Google has officially released a redesigned calendar for users, and what the redesigned Gmail will look like on the web. Now Google has implemented an incognito setting that allows users to see the new redesigned look of Google Chrome. In this article, we will show you how you can enable the new material design theme in Chrome on Windows:

Enabling New Material Design Theme in Chrome on Windows

As you know, Google is testing new features for all of its products at any given time and using different versions of the product as a testing ground for new ideas. This testing ground for Chrome Google Chrome CanaryYou will need to download it to enjoy this new feature. The new material design theme is currently only available on Windows from Google Chrome Canary version 68, so update your Chrome Canary if you haven’t already. With the prerequisites gone, let’s see how we can enable the new material design:

  1. First, launch Google Chrome Canary on your Windows machine and Open Chrome flags by copying and pasting the following into the browser’s address bar.

Chrome flags are basically a way for users to enable experimental features, so you might see a warning from Google, but don’t worry as you can always undo the changes.

Chrome Flags a

2. Now, in the search field on the flags page, Look for the “top-chrome-md” flag (without quotes).

search inside chrome flags

3. Now, Click the dropdown next to the Chrome flag marked in the image below and select “Refresh”.

reboot now

4. Now all you have to do is Click “Restart Now” button and your Chrome will restart with new material design.


You can do see how the new material design will look in the image below.


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Enjoy New Material Design in Chrome

I hope the above tutorial helped you enable the new material design from Google on your Chrome Canary. Personally, I am not a fan of the round design. However, as this is only an experimental feature, there will be a lot of tweaking before it’s finally released in stable Chrome builds. Do you like this new design? Let us know in the comments section below.