How to Copy Files from Android to Mac? 1

How to Copy Files from Android to Mac?

In this guide, we will show you two easy ways to transfer or copy files from Android to Mac. Both are hugely popular platforms, but they don’t play well together. The most popular method is to use Google’s Android File Transfer tool, but it’s not your only option.

There are many reasons why you might want to copy files from Android to Macbook or iMac. Or from a Mac to your phone. Whether for transferring your iTunes collection to your new Galaxy Note 8 or for uploading and saving photos or videos.

problem with google Android File Transfer doesn’t it always work? Or at least not very good. Not to mention that it lacks features and pretty barebones. Fortunately, other developers have also released great programs that do this. Here’s how to use both.

You cannot view files or photos with Google’s file transfer tool until you transfer them first. So while it might work if you’re in a bind, it’s not the best option around. That said, here’s how to use it, then read on for something even better.

How to Copy Files from Android to Mac

The easiest way to transfer anything to Mac is with Google’s own tool. The search giant and the creator of Android have changed this a few times, but it has remained relatively plain. Download to get started Android File Transfer From

How to Copy Files from Android to Mac? 4

If you’re trying to transfer all your photos before buying a new phone or moving music, beware of the 4GB limit mentioned above. If you try to transfer more than 4GB at a time, it will most likely freeze and stop responding. This means you will have to drag and drop multiple things multiple times to get everything you need. Depends on what you’re transmitting.

How to Copy Files from Android to Mac? 5

You may also need to pull down the notification bar and tap the system transfer USB option shown above and choose from the list. Choose which option meets your needs. You may need to do this before Android File Transfer opens on Mac.

Alternative Method

If you’re having trouble with the Google tool or want to use something with more features, we’re here for you. There are several different “Android to Mac” transfer tools available, but our favorite is HandShaker, formerly known as Smartfinder.

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Go to the Mac App Store and Download HandShaker. When you’re done, install the app and give it a try. Instead of a boring simple tool like Google’s, this one has a little bit of everything. HandShaker has a native Mac interface that looks nice. It’s easy to manage, supports bulk file transfers over 4GB, and lets you drag and drop files and folders on the fly. Some of the instructions are not in English but are easy to use without any help guides.

How to Copy Files from Android to Mac? 6

After installing the program, plug in your phone and everything is ready. If you’re using anything else, we recommend uninstalling Google’s File Transfer so they don’t both start up or interfere with each other.

As mentioned earlier you will need to allow access to the USB using the notification popup bar. Now browse and manage your Android on Mac with ease. Another great alternative is MobileGO by Wondershare. They have a PC, Mac and Android app specifically for transferring files between devices.

Before you go, learn here how to use your phone as a remote control.