A helping hand speeds up the process when making presentations on Microsoft PowerPoint with Design Ideas and dozens of editing options. You can invite and collaborate with others using the collaboration tools in PowerPoint. Here’s how you can collaborate in PowerPoint on Windows and iPad.
Collaborate in Microsoft PowerPoint on Windows
Microsoft has recently revamped the sharing UI in all of its Office apps. It looks more modern, streamlined and less confusing than before. Follow the steps below to start collaboration in PowerPoint for Windows.
Stage 1: Open PowerPoint on Windows.
Step 2: When you’re done making changes to PowerPoint or you want to invite others to browse, click the Share button at the top.
Stage 3: A new Share menu will open. By default, any invited guest can edit the PPT file. If you want to change this, you can click on the little edit icon and select View only from the drop-down menu.
Before other users enter their Microsoft email ID, you have several security options to prevent unauthorized access to the presentation.
Step 4: Click on ‘Anyone with the link’ option, the Connection settings menu will open.
Let’s check the security options to use when collaborating in PowerPoint on Windows.
Set expiration date: This allows you to set an expiration date for the share PPT link. Once it expires, the link becomes inaccessible and people cannot open the presentation with it.
Set password: When sharing a confidential PPT file with someone outside your company. Use the set password option to password protect your PPT file. Only those who have the password to access the PPT password can open the file.
You can select specific people from the same menu and share editing permission only with them. This will prevent others from making unnecessary changes to the PPT file.
After making changes from the connection settings menu, you can type the email id or use the Outlook shortcut to Collaborate in PowerPoint on Windows.
Only Share Presentation File
Sometimes, you may want to send the PPT file directly through Outlook. The application will share the file in read-only PDF or PPT format. Here’s what you need to do.
Stage 1: Open a presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint.
Step 2: Click the Share button at the top.
Stage 3: Select ‘Send a copy’ and you can share the file directly as a PDF or PowerPoint presentation.
It will open the Microsoft Outlook application and attach the file. Type and share your email address.
Collaborate in Microsoft PowerPoint on iPad
Microsoft has replaced the separate Office apps on the iPad with a single Office app for viewing and editing files. You can start collaborating using the Office app on iPad.
Stage 1: Open the Office app and select the presentation you want to share.
Step 2: Make the relevant changes and hit the Share button at the top.
Stage 3: Set View or Edit permission from the Copy Link menu, and in the Invite People menu you can type in names or email addresses to share the file.
You can also add an optional message and create seamless communication.
Interestingly, PowerPoint iPad also lets you share the current slide. Tap on Current Slide and you can share it as an image or PPT format using Outlook or other apps.
Check Others Working in PowerPoint
You will see a thumbnail of a user profile while others are working on a particular PPT slide, when others join the shared PPT file.
If you want to check the comments left by others on a PPT file, you can click the Comments icon at the top and check all the suggestions others have made in the PPT file.
Stop Collaboration in Microsoft PowerPoint
If you no longer want to share a particular PPT file with others, you can block access to them from the share menu.
Stage 1: Open a PPT file in PowerPoint and click the Share menu at the top.
Step 2: Click on more options and select Manage access.
Stage 3: Click on the current permission and select Stop sharing.
Share PowerPoint Presentations
PowerPoint offers adequate sharing features with its Microsoft 365 subscription package. You can use the sharing tools in PowerPoint to collaborate with colleagues or friends and make great presentations together.