How to Change Apple ID on iPhone and iPad without Losing Data 1

How to Change Apple ID on iPhone and iPad without Losing Data

Many of us prefer to have more than one account to better manage our personal and professional lives. And I’m not against the idea of ​​having more than one account. It offers more flexibility to deal with certain situations and also prevents certain things from getting mixed up. Although Apple does not offer a quick account switch switch on iOS/iPadOS, you can easily switch your iCloud account without losing any data. Whether you have multiple Apple IDs or want to allow a loved one to use your iOS device, you can follow some steps to do so. If this is of interest to you, here is a detailed guide to change Apple ID on iPhone and iPad without losing data.

Change iCloud Accounts on iPhone, iPad with ease

As mentioned earlier, Apple does not offer a simple way to change Apple ID account on iPhone and iPad as it does in macOS. Therefore, you have no choice but to sign out of your Apple ID and then sign back in using another account. While it may seem like a tedious affair, the whole process doesn’t take a few steps.

note: By transitioning we mean to switch to another. Apple ID on the same Apple device. You can also make changes to an existing Apple ID by editing the name, phone number or email via the Settings app. Another option is to go to “” for same.

How to Change Apple ID on iOS and iPadOS

  1. Launch the Settings app on your iPhone or iPad.

2. Now tap on your profile (aka Apple ID header at the top).

Apple ID banner in Settings

3. Next, scroll down and Sign out.

Tap Sign Out at the bottom

4. Here you will be prompted to enter your Apple ID password. Enter and then tap on Close in the upper right corner of the screen.

Tap on Close

5. Up next, you have the option: keep a copy of your data on this iPhone/iPad. Simply select the data you want to keep on your iOS device. Note that data removed from this device will still remain in iCloud. After that, tap on Sign out in the upper right corner of the screen.

Select the data you want to save on your device and log out

6. Now, “Are you sure? It may take a minute to remove your iCloud data from this iPhone” message may appear. choose Sign out option as shown below. Wait a few seconds before logging out.

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Tap Sign Out

7. When done, go back to the Settings app and Sign in to your iPhone/iPad choice. Following that, enter the new Apple ID and password and hit Next in the top right corner of the screen.

Sign in on your iPhone option

8. Once complete, you will need to authenticate using the 2FA (aka Two-Factor Authentication) code. Check the message with the verification code on other devices and then enter it on your iPhone/iPad.

Apple ID verification code

9. Now you need to enter your device passcode to unlock iPhone/iPad and also to access saved passwords and other sensitive data stored in iCloud.

Enter your iPhone or iPad passcode

10. You will now have the option to merge your device contacts with iCloud. If you select Merge, your contacts and Safari data stored on this device will be uploaded and merged into iCloud.

Merge iPhone contacts, safari data with iCloud

In addition, you can add multiple iCloud accounts for the Contacts, Mail, Calendar, Notes, and Reminders apps for ease of use. Tap on any app through Settings, hit Accounts, select Add Account, select iCloud and type in your credentials and you’re ready.

But What Happens To The Data?

You may be wondering what happens to your data (including photos and videos) when you change iCloud account on your iPhone or iPad right now. This is a common concern and you should know that your data will stay safe. Apple provides a highly reliable way to protect important data when signing out of an Apple ID account. So you don’t have to worry about losing any data while changing your iCloud account on iOS. Depending on your needs, you can keep a copy of certain data on your iPhone or iPad. The list includes:

  • Calendars
  • Persons
  • Health
  • Key chain
  • Safari
  • Stocks


Can I transfer everything from one Apple ID to another?

Apart from the data mentioned above, there is a possibility that some data will be lost when you change Apple IDs. For example, all the photos and videos you have optimized to save space will be removed from your iPhone/iPad. But, do not be sad. Your data will still exist in iCloud and you can easily restore it. Also, the original photos/videos will still be available on other devices thanks to iCloud Photos.

For those who don’t know, iCloud Photos automatically stores your photos and videos in iCloud. It not only offers an additional layer of security for your photos, but also provides seamless access to your photo library from any device. For extra security, Apple removes all documents and data stored in iCloud Drive from your iOS/iPadOS device. If you haven’t backed up your data, visit our guide on how to back up an iPhone via iCloud for better understanding.

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Can I change my Apple ID without losing my apps?

While data remains safe, this will not be the case with apps. Once signed into an Apple ID, downloaded apps won’t transfer to another Apple ID. But if you simply edit your Apple ID, apps and purchases made through it will stay there.

Does changing my Apple ID delete anything?

If you only intend to change your Apple ID, your data will not go anywhere. However, if you switch to another Apple ID, some data will be removed from your device. However, you can always restore it if it was saved to iCloud.

Safely Change Apple ID Account on iPhone and iPad

That is all! So you can use a different iCloud account on your iOS or iPadOS device. Switching Apple ID accounts isn’t a one-tap job, but it’s not tedious either. Also, Apple provides a reliable way to secure your sensitive data so you can change your Apple ID on your device without any pain. However, do you have any questions or feedback on this topic? If yes, share it in the comments.

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