How to Backup iPhone Contacts 1

How to Backup iPhone Contacts

This guide will show you how to backup your iPhone contacts to make them ready for a new iPhone or keep your current iPhone safe in case you break or lose it.

When you buy a new iPhone or switch to Android, it’s important to make sure you don’t lose your contacts. Apple has already provided you with several ways to back up your contacts with iCloud and iTunes.

These solutions are simple and ensure you are securely backed up and ready to migrate to a new device. To do this, there are third-party apps that we will explore in addition to what Apple has to offer.

How to Backup iPhone Contacts

Here are three ways to backup iPhone contacts. It doesn’t matter which carrier you use, and you don’t need to have the latest version of your iPhone software for this to work.

Watch the video above to learn how to back up iPhone contacts to iCloud, iTunes, or an app so you don’t lose important information about your friends, family, and work contacts.

How to Backup Contacts with iCloud

To access iCloud features like backing up data, go to , then .

and if not, make sure it is.

If you have the tab enabled, you will be prompted. This is the part where your contact data moves to the iCloud server and will constantly sync the changes you make. Wait for the sync to complete and the checkmark to appear indicating the sync period has ended.


It’s usually a good idea to verify and verify that the contacts on the website match what your device is displaying.

If you’re buying a new iPhone recently, syncing information will be super simple! When you get your new iPhone and everything should land safely from the cloud to the new device.

How to Backup Contacts with iTunes

If you want to go the tried-and-true route of wired sync, it’s still available as a backup option for all your data, including your contacts.

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Before plugging your iPhone into your computer, make sure your iCloud contacts and contacts are in the iCloud settings tab on your mobile device.


Plug the iPhone into iTunes and from the menu options on the left side of the window. iTunes will make a full backup (including contacts) for you, but syncing them requires one more step. In it, check the box that says “”.

This will implement the sync so that your contacts mirror each other in the Contacts app on Mac as well as iPhone. This is a great quick way to do basically the same thing as iCloud syncing, but get a quick hard copy right on your computer.

How to Backup Contacts with an App

A very simple last resort (or first resort, depending on your needs) is a third-party app called ‘. iOS App Store free.

My ContactsBackup

application and make one for you. The app then creates your contacts and lets you email them to yourself for easy future restore.

With vCard, you will then be prompted for . This is a very simple, free method of backing up your contacts for security or transfer if the previously mentioned options are not available.

That’s why there are several quick and easy ways to transfer or generally save your important contact data from your old devices to new ones! Make sure before visiting a Genius Bar like yours or a carrier store and not your service providers. Such tasks really only take a few minutes and are totally worth it for your peace of mind.