Ultimate Guide: Growing All Rare Crops in Lightyear Frontier

Ultimate Guide: Growing All Rare Crops in Lightyear Frontier

Of Crops and Comrades in Lightyear Frontier

Behold, dear reader, the joyous and lucrative pursuit of cultivating crops in the fertile lands of Lightyear Frontier. Lo and behold, your steadfast companion Ulf, a neighbor of good standing, doth possess the secret knowledge to aid thee in the growth of rare and unique crops. Ponder not, for I shall unravel the mysteries for thee in this guide on how to cultivate the rarest of crops in Lightyear Frontier.

A Quest for Rarity: Unveiling Rare Crops in Lightyear Frontier

To reap the bounty of rare crops in Lightyear Frontier, thou must first befriend Ulf, a genial botanist hailing from a distant planet who seeks thy partnership in a botanical research endeavor in the Frontier. Upon constructing an Outpost for him on thy farm, he shall descend upon his vessel, paving the way for his questline to commence.

The crux of Ulf’s questline lies in the cultivation of mutated (rare) variants of all existing crops on the planet. To achieve this, thou must first erect a Seed Splicer at his Outpost, a mystical contraption that shall enable thee to splice the seeds of commonplace crops into mutations of wondrous potential. Once thou hast grown a standard crop at least once, thou art able to splice it at Ulf’s Seed Splicer with ease.

If perchance thou find thyself lacking in the seeds required for splicing, fear not, for thou may also procure them from Lola, should she possess them. Else, embark on a grand adventure across the map, collecting them with thy faithful Mech.

Mutated Lumbloom in Lightyear Frontier
An Illustration by Moyens I/O

Upon depositing an ample quantity of seeds into the Seed Splicer, sow them into any available crop plot, tending to them diligently each day with water and care. In due course, thy crops shall reach maturity, with one among them manifesting a distinct appearance in size and hue. This heralds the presence of a mutated crop, which thou may then offer to Ulf for his research and the advancement of his questline.

The noble aim is to furnish Ulf with a sample of every conceivable mutated crop, whilst selling the surplus to Lola in exchange for substantial riches.

The Chronicles of Rare Crops in Lightyear Frontier: Growth and Abundance

Mutated Polyberry in Lightyear Frontier
An Illustration by Moyens I/O

Below, I present a compendium of all rare (mutated) crops in Lightyear Frontier, along with guidance on cultivation and their base values. These splendid mutations are easily discernible by their striking divergence in size and color.

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Take heed, for when sowing spliced seeds and nurturing them, only a small fraction shall yield mutated crops. Thus, the more seeds thou dost sow, the greater thy chances for an abundant harvest of rare crops to offer to Ulf and vend to Lola for a princely sum.

Rare (Mutated) Crop
How to Grow
Base Price(Selling)

Mutated Polyberry
Spliced Polyberry Seeds(5 x Polyberry Seeds per splice)

Mutated Rabbage
Spliced Rabbage Seeds(5 x Rabbage Seeds per splice)

Mutated Caroot
Mutated Caroot Seeds(5 x Caroot Seeds per splice)

Mutated Zappertwig
Spliced Zappertwig Seeds(5 x Zappertwig Seeds per splice)

Mutated Chromaize
Spliced Chromaize Seeds(5 x Chromaize Seeds per splice)

Mutated Lumbloom
Spliced Lumbloom Seeds(5 x Lumbloom Seeds per splice)

Mutated Honeybottle
Spliced Honeybottle Seeds(5 x Honeybottle Seeds per splice)

Mutated Coilvine
Spliced Coilvine Seeds(5 x Coilvine Seeds per splice)

Immerse thyself in the wealth of knowledge and news regarding Lightyear Frontier at Moyens I/O, including the guide on Seed and Sprout transformations in Lightyear Frontier.

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