Lo, behold the wondrous edifice that is Microsoft Copilot, a beacon of hope for Mac users seeking to commune with artificial intelligence. Though the gates of native Mac app doth not open, fear not, for there exists a way to install this chatbot on thy fair machine. Two paths lay before thee, offering salvation in the digital realm. Yon Apple silicon Macs, blessed by the gods, can partake in the iPad version of Copilot through the App Store. A simple quest this is, where one must seek the app and with a click, bring it forth to their realm.
But hark! For those who dwell on Intel Macs, a different journey awaits. The iPad app shan’t grace thy Mac App Store, nay, but fear not. A web app doth beckon thee on macOS Sonoma and beyond. Through Safari, the gates to Copilot’s web app shall open. A mere few steps to follow, and lo, the web app shall dwell in thy Dock, ready to serve at thy command.
O, dost thou yearn for convenience beyond measure? A keyboard shortcut may be thy portentous ally. In the realm of macOS, the Shortcuts app doth hold the power to summon Copilot with a press of a key. A custom shortcut thou shalt create, weaving a bond between thyself and the AI chatbot. With a stroke of keys, Microsoft’s creation shall appear, a faithful servant at thy beck and call.
Here, in the tapestry of Copilot, a grandeur unrivaled by its peers. GPT-4, the golden chalice of knowledge, bestowed upon thee without cost. Unlike ChatGPT, where a toll must be paid for such treasures, Copilot offers GPT-4 freely, a gift to enhance thy digital discourse. Images in queries, art generation by DALL·E 3, a tapestry woven with third-party plugins—such wonders await thee. The tone of response, a feature unique to Copilot, allowing customization to suit thy whim.
In the realm of AI chatbots, where ChatGPT reigns supreme, Copilot stands tall, a paragon of virtue. So, if thou seeketh the finest AI chatbot experience on thy Mac without coin changing hands, let Microsoft Copilot be thy guide. As the sun sets on ChatGPT, with its monthly fee and confines, Copilot shines bright, a beacon of free knowledge. Thus, the tale of Copilot unfolds, a saga of discovery and wonder in the digital kingdom.