You dogsknown as man’s best friends, share with their owners not only moments of play and companionship, but a unique language that establishes a special connection between the two species.
Eye-opening study investigates understanding of dogs
A recent study, published in Applied Animal Behavior Science, delved into the fascinating linguistic abilities of these loyal companions, analyzing 165 dogs of various ages, breeds and occupations.
The results revealed that about half of the pets responded to their owners’ commands, involving behaviors such as sit, wait and fetch.
Surprisingly, professionally trained dogs have been shown to have a vocabulary even wider than domestic dogs.
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But, after all, how many words do dogs understand?
Scientists at the University of British Columbia indicate that these animals comprise approximately 89 words or specific grammatical structures, half of which are associated with direct commands.
This highlights dogs’ unique ability to interpret and execute specific behaviors in response to their owners’ instructions.
The research also suggests the fascinating possibility that dogs can expand their vocabulary to more than 200 words, a feat comparable to the linguistic development of a two-year-old child.
Surprisingly, the owner’s age or knowledge do not appear to be significant factors in understanding dog language, while breed and training play a crucial role in this ability.
The occupation of animal and the amount of time the owner invests in learning new activities are also factors that influence canine vocabulary.
In summary, this study invites us to reflect on the complexity and richness of dog language, transcending barks and gestures.
It turns out that the human-dog bond transcends superficiality, involving fascinating linguistic exchanges that enrich the relationship between both species.
A discovery that highlights the depth of understanding between us and our friends furry.