Cyclone leaves trails of destruction and causes temperature drop; find out more 1

Cyclone leaves trails of destruction and causes temperature drop; find out more

This week, an unusual and devastating occurrence shook the states of Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina: an extratropical cyclone.

This climatic phenomenon brought with it a series of material damages and, unfortunately, records of deaths. In addition to these tragic effects, the Hurricane also caused a significant change in weather conditions, causing a sharp drop in temperatures in the following days.

On the morning of this Friday, the 14th, the city of Rio de Janeiro dawned with a climate completely different from the previous days.

The weather was cloudy and mild, completely different from the hot and sunny atmosphere that had prevailed in the previous days. In addition, the sea was experiencing a strong undertow, alerting the local population.

These climate changes are attributed to the arrival of a cold front that has settled in some regions of the country. According to data released by the Alerta Rio System, thermometers recorded 15 °C early in the morning, in the Alto da Boa Vista neighborhood.

However, Rio de Janeiro was not the only place affected by the drastic drop in temperature. Other regions, such as Bagé, in Rio Grande do Sul, and São Mateus do Sul, in Paraná, recorded only 2 °C.

Novo Horizonte, in Santa Catarina, also had a significant drop, reaching 2.7 °C.

Cyclone leaves trails of destruction and causes temperature drop; find out more 4

(Photo: Fabiano Rocha; O Globo Agency/Reproduction)

Snow in Santa Catarina

To the surprise and delight of the residents of Bom Jardim da Serra, São Joaquim and Urubici, in Santa Catarina, the drop in temperatures brought a unique experience this winter: snow.

For the first time, they were able to witness the beauty of this natural phenomenon. A video made by the Military Highway Police recorded this special moment, bringing euphoria and anxiety to those who witnessed snow for the first time.

Given the current scenario, the population of these regions must be alert and seek to follow preventive measures. security generally officially released by the Civil Defense of each location.

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